by The Searcher 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bobcat

    From WannaBeFree's quote from the 85 WT:

    During this thousand-year judgment period, Jehovah evidently will give additional instructions, unknown to us at present, as new "scrolls" are opened. (Revelation 20:12) How marvelous it will be for the survivors of the "great tribulation" and for the resurrected dead to gain instruction and guidance from these further instructions as set forth on these unrolled "scrolls" of Jehovah and to carry them out delightfully!

    Notice the oft used argument pattern:

    "Jehovah evidently will give additional instructions, unknown to us at present, as new "scrolls" are opened"

    "evidently (pure speculation) will give" and new "scrolls" (The quotes are only around "scrolls", but everyone reads "new scrolls")

    Then, following "(Revelation 20:12)", everything is stated as if the idea has already been proved. And, of course, layered on top of this is the ever present atmosphere not to question "the slave class."

    Here is the snippet from Revelation Climax:

    But during the resurrection, countless millions of studies, based on the Bible and the new scrolls, will no doubt be conducted!

    And here is the snippet from the "Knowledge of God" book:

    New "scrolls" will then come into use. Evidently these are God's written instructions that will serve as a basis for educating earth's inhabitants.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I remember several years ago when that quote first came out. My Clyde saw through it right away. I heard him saying many times, where does it say "new scrolls?" The elders just shook their heads.


  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Welcome kjg132 -

    I sense that you still want to serve our Creator, but some imperfect individuals are causing you to stumble.

    Just remember what situation ones such as Peter, Andrew, James, & John must have been in prior to Christ's arrival - the falsehoods and injustices being dealt out by the religious leaders. They didn't abandon their faith or condemn openly what was going on - the Messiah would do that. They waited patiently for the one who would carry out a complete revealing of who was true and who was not. We are waiting now!! (1st Peter 4:17; 2 Thess. 2:4,8; Rev. ch. 2 & 3) These Scriptures guarantee what will take place, and to whom.

    "Test the inspired expression" is a Biblical command - no man or group of men has any right to tell you you not to do so. At our District Convention, the speaker who got it wrong about Korah, said this, "If we doubt the Governing Body or any of their decisions, it could be viewed by Jehovah as disrespect for Him".

    He also stated that "Jehovah's sole means of communication today is "the Faithful & Discreet Slave Class".

    So the Holy Spirit is redundant now, is it? " But the helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one will teach YOU all things and bring back to YOUR minds all the things I told YOU". (John 14:26)

    Also, rememember Paul's words at Romans 4:7 - " For who makes you to differ from another? Indeed, what do you have that you did not receive? If, now, you did indeed receive [it], why do you boast as though you did not receive [it]?".

    We should be very careful as to who we give praise and credit to, for our understanding of the Scriptures.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Interesting little point in the August 1st 2012 Watchtower, in the article dealing with the Gilead graduation;

    "Brother Jackson urged the students to be sensitive to the direction Jehovah gives through his holy spirit, the Bible, and his organization."

    Nice to see at least 2/3 of the credit given to the correct source!!

  • Bobcat

    Searcher said:

    "Brother Jackson urged the students to be sensitive to the direction Jehovah gives through his holy spirit, the Bible, and his organization."

    Nice to see at least 2/3 of the credit given to the correct source!!

    That would be nice. But I kind of think "his organization" is the trump card of these three. The implied meaning is that if "his organization" says something, then, the "holy spirit" and the "Bible" said it also. In this trio, "holy spirit" and the "Bible" are mostly treated as 'yes men.' (That is not to say that everything eminating from Brooklyn is wrong though.)

    Take Care

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