Why be so judgemental....

by jerome 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon

    This is a classic situation played on almost any discussion board on any topic.

    Newbie comes in, ignores the fact there is a past before their presence, and starts telling people how much better it would be if they did 'this' (whatever that might be) instead, and then gets all surprised when people act like he's teaching his grandmother to suck eggs because they've heard it before.

    Often happens with creationists; they come in with their two-pennies-worth of wisdom from some Creationist site, despite the fact they are almost always parroting information, rather than discussing something they have studied extensively. Then they act surpirse when the hacknied arguement they present is torn apart by people who have torn the same arguement apart at least sixteen times previously, and are getting a little bored with dealing with the same set of misconceptions over and over.

    Essentially, this is human nature. The subject can change, it would still happen.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • JT


    thanks for the post and you are correct- sometimes due to sincere feelings folks can lose sight of things

    often times Troll come in here and once again we see the former jw play right into their hands too many times

    i feel let anyone in who wants to come here, but if his or her post are goofy let it stand or fall on it's own merits and believe me if ones post is out there in left field all will know it.

    i beleive that sunshine is the best cure for anything as it were, esp correct or incorrect information

    if one can't back up what they say beyond "Cause the Society says so"

    then all will see it as clear as day

    i don't focus to much on jw when it comes to trying to convince them this ain't the truth the way i figure if they are here on this site they are already on the journey out of wt and they don't even know it

    i find it amazing when you introduce NONJW to sites and comments that a Loyal JW makes

    these folks will likely never become jw due to knowing WHAT QUESTIONS TO ASK
    if only we had known what questions to ask just think of how any of us would have never been exposed to this mess

    but welcome and you always have something to share about your life in wt

  • JT


    shoot me an email when you get the chance

    would like to run a couple of things past you



    [email protected]

  • Satanus


    Fear and guilt are not jw characteristics but they are HUMAN characteristics and I have no reason for guilt as yet because I have done nothing wrong but I still am being overly cautious that may be what you refer to as fear.
    You claim to have kmown little about jws before you met your jw girlfriend. You claim to have learned a lot about them from this and various other sites. Yet you never learned about their fear and guilt.... Strange. You even deny that they have these. Strange. Are you defending them????

    Fish don't need to do anything to get wet. They also couldn't tell us what wet is, even though they are swimming in it. So too, by your not recognising fear and guilt, you have shown that you also are swimming in it. Why is that?


  • ianao


    I just want you to know that I read your words of wisdom further up the thread regarding why "apostates" seem like rabid dogs and I just want to commend you on nailing the problem straight up. Yet another post of yours with wise words for all. Thanks for the contribution.

    It's a shame that some people missed it!

  • Satanus


    Maybe you and jt missed what jerome was doing with butilbee. Being relatively unexperienced in their propaganda, she didn't recognise the jw.


  • Smudgee

    Okay, folks. I feel like I just got played here. So much so that I went back and edited my remarks.

    Jerome, JT: Don't talk to me right now. I'm pissed. Don't e-mail me, either.


  • ianao

    :: Saint: Maybe you and jt missed what jerome was doing with butilbee. Being relatively unexperienced in their propaganda, she didn't recognise the jw.

    No. Actually, I was giving JT his props. Jerome is thoroughly "amusing" to me in my sadistic sort of way. Why anyone cannot see right through him is beyond me.

  • Smudgee

    I don't know. I didn't. Guess I'm just gullible. Too many head games on these boards and I hoped to leave that shit behind when I left JWs. Maybe it's time for me to check out of here as well.


  • Satanus


    Nobody is immune to getting taken in. Scamsters are everywhere, but not everyone. Most don't mean any harm. They generally just are trying to make their lives more secure.

    It's true these boards aren't for everyone. For those that can stick it out, it not only allows them to release much of the anger and frustration, but also helps them to be better at examining everything more critically. If you do leave, i wish you the best.


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