5.1 Eathquake hits near Melbourne Australia last night...is the end near? Or should I just have another beer?

by Witness 007 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    9PM I was sitting in my recliner when I literally felt my ass vibrating....as there was no other reason for this I turned to my wife on the couch and said: "Did you feel that...I think it was a tremor..." "Yeah I did feel something."

    I guess this is a HUGE sign that the the end is near or......we live on a planet that has shifting plates and Australia is slowly moving north. Jesus said earthquakes, pestilence and wars would increase, but isn't that like saying "the weather will be hot....and freezing cold....then it will get very hot again...." Very obvious "signs" from a carpenter in the first century.

    Alot of Witnesses will be going out in Field service this morning.

  • elderelite

    Lololol well stated :-) If i may, let me recomend the option....

    Australia is slowly moving north

    That means cheaper tickets to travel to Australia! Hope you have another one soon!

  • paladin

    May I recommend our Canadian brand beer and just relax. LOL

  • stillajwexelder

    Enjoy a Fosters I say.

  • just Ron
    just Ron

    I say

    just Ron

  • Fernando

    Nah, it was probably just a "small" mistake by a genY M'ICE scientist fiddling with the latest super technology.

    (M'ICE = Mozzie on Ice - aka meth)

  • 3Mozzies
    (M'ICE = Mozzie on Ice - aka meth)

    Hey! I'm not on meth. . .

    9PM I was sitting in my recliner when I literally felt my ass vibrating....

    I felt my ass vibrating too last night (in Melb) but I thought I let one rip without knowing


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I think it was a 5.4 quake.....for the record Ozzies have mild quakes which never kill or do much damage....only once we had deaths when an old building wall fell down in Newcastle in the 90's.

  • Chariklo

    Just have another beer, mate!

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