How much trust do you put in others?

by sleepy 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    How much of what we know is built on trust in others?
    When you examine what you believe and why you believe it , how much is built on trust that information you read or hear is correct?
    Of course none of us have time to check every thing out and it seams perfectly reasonable to me for us to have to trust others.
    But we have all been burnt in the past.
    Sometimes what initally seams reasonable turns out to be false.
    prehaps we can look at the methods used by people to see whether research is trust worthy.
    But unless we personnaly can test these methods how can we vouch for them?
    I think most of us take ma lot of things on trust.
    Most of the time this works out, but maybe the people we are putting trust in have themselves built their ideas on others they have had to put trust in.
    It wouldn't take many errors down the line to invalidate alot of conclusions which have been built on trusting others.
    This is not ment to be taken negativly like well we carnt know anything, so why bother.But we sometimes need to question why we belive things.Thw witness idealology at one time seemed a reasonable model to me.Noe it doesnt.But does this automatically make other views right?
    Well there are plenty of them out there.
    But sometimes the absolutness of some peoples beliefs makes me wonder.No one on earth has enough knowledge or time to test everthing out , yet many insist that certain ideas are definate when the evidence is incomplete.
    How much of mans general picture of the history of man is built on trust other peoples conclusions and building on them.
    Could there have been errors made along the way that could radically alter our perspective?

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Sleepy, some people have this built in urge to CONTROL. These controllers (and there are plenty of them) bring on a lot of misery and suffering for others. They think ONLY of themselves. They have this insane worship of themselves and it is destructive.

    As to knowing it all, forget it. Get to enjoy the moment.

    Guest 77

  • mouthy

    Hi Sleepy I have to agree with Guest 77-- I listen to what folks tell me- then I decide weather I believe it or not. Then I "do try to check it out"? If I cant find the proof & I still dont believe it -I forget it..All I know now is I am free. I was a Hundred & ten percent a "self rightous J.W." Passed judgement on every one ,every thing...
    I dont have to do that now- I leave it all up to the JUDGE-no not Rutherford...... Christ!!!!!!! I dont even care when folks judge me....I know that dont matter either......But I do pray about things- I am amazed at how many things about myself I have changed, folks tell me I am a much nicer human being..I feel better about myself also. I "AINT" in charge of anyone elses life & they "aint" in charge of mine ....Cheers mate!!!!

  • dyan4help


    I came to the same conclusion about trust as you express in your letter. I doubt my own common sense and ability to make good judgement calls. In fact the Elders made the same statement about me and said it wasn't their job to guide my final decisions only to lead me to the place where I need to make to the choice. For all wrong choices I, of course will answer to Jehovah. What used to be the smooth flow of every day decisions in my life became and arguement in my head every time I had to decide something. Everything in my life and my childrens lives came to a standstill. Depression took over. From somewhere deep in the recesses of my mind I have decided that when your trust is betrayed it is just as if someone cut you deeply with a knife but not quite deep enough to kill you ...just make you wish you were dead. As with all wounds it takes time to heal them. If I dwell on what caused the wound it is like getting an infection in it and it just takes longer to heal. In time a scar will form and I will go on good as new and by that time the wound they caused will have made me stronger not weaker. I relate this to the dandelion that grows in my lawn. Is sends up a bright yellow flower into the sun to live life the way it is meant to. I come along with the lawn mower and cut off the flower and it seals the stem where I cut it and it sends up a new flower and continues to live. I too, will send up a new flower. Thank you for expressing what I have been feeling.

    I grew up in an era when you were seen and not heard. What you were taught in school you had no right to question. This carries over for some of us to adulthood. What "if" we threw away the text books?
    Does the expression,"learn from others mistakes," really mean, "look this could happen to you if you don't do as I say?" Who is "I"? The whole support system of the mind can begin to unravel if you begin to think that everything around you might not be real,or could have worked out differently only "if".....


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    And Mouthy, you feel good about it too, right? A feeling that no one can take away from you, except yourself.

    Guest 77

  • mouthy

    Your absolutly right Guest 77

  • VioletAnai

    Zip, zilch, nada, squat!

    I sit back and observe first, then if the feelings right, maybe I'll chat and maybe I'll become your friend, but hell if I'm eva gunna trust you alone or round my kids!!!!!!

    (Conditioning of the mind from the age of six is hard to break).

    You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room

  • Mindchild

    Hi Sleepy,

    As it appears that few people are reading your questions and answering them directly, I thought perhaps you might be interested in following through yourself and doing a bit of homework on how we know what isn’t and is so. I therefore suggest a quick primer into the topic of epistemology followed by some additional investigation into radical constructivism.

    Here are a few resources to enjoy and I have just provided a brief quotation from each site to give you a bit of flavor of what to expect:

    Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that studies knowledge. It attempts to answer the basic question: what distinguishes true (adequate) knowledge from false (inadequate) knowledge? Practically, this questions translates into issues of scientific methodology: how can one develop theories or models that are better than competing theories? It also forms one of the pillars of the new sciences of cognition, which developed from the information processing approach to psychology, and from artificial intelligence, as an attempt to develop computer programs that mimic a human's capacity to use knowledge in an intelligent way.

    Radical Constructivism - ‘What is radical constructivism? It is an unconventional approach to the problem of knowledge and knowing. It starts from the assumption that knowledge, no matter how it is defined, is in the heads of persons, and that the thinking subject has no alternative but to construct what he or she knows on the basis of his or her own experience. What we make of experience constitutes the only world we consciously live in. It can be sorted into many kinds, such as things, self, others, and so on. But all kinds of experience are essentially subjective, and though I may find reasons to believe that my experience may not be unlike yours, I have no way of knowing that it is the same. The experience and interpretation of language are no exception.’
    Kind Regards,


  • plmkrzy

    "Face Value" It isn't always accurate but it's a good place to start.
    There is always room to change your mind.

    "The fellow that agrees with everything you say is either a fool or he is getting ready to skin you."
    - Kin Hubbard
  • SixofNine

    This much.

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