Candace's story made it to England a few minutes ago

by AndersonsInfo 36 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • AndersonsInfo
  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Way to go Candace is just a beautiful women. It just breaks my heart at all of her pain. I am so very, very proud of her.


  • flipper

    BARBARA - THanks for posting this English article. It puts more of a humanity look on it by posting the pictures of Candace and the twisted child molester. I'm wondering just how far into absurd comments the WT society will continue to go with their attorney as he seemed to be in lockdown damage control mode even more so the 2nd day with his outrageous comments.

    Let's hope this story motivates OTHER victims to be courageous as Candace was and bring these JW child molesters to justice in exposing faulty WT society child abuse policies - and it may assist other victims in other religious groups as well to come forward . I so admire cAndace for what she's accomplished. Truly awesome ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • MidwichCuckoo

    YAY - I commented beneath article, but not appearing yet.

  • AndersonsInfo

    US News and World Report

    Looks like we're seeing some media giants carrying the story now that AP is involved.

    I sent Rachel Zoll, AP Religious Editor an email Friday evening but didn't hear a reply so I was a bit discouraged. I made excuses for seemingly lack of interest because it was the weekend. I can't tell you how great it felt to see AP going with it. When AP put Candace's story on the news feed, then I knew the big guys would go with it and international papers would start publishing. When England's Daily Mail published the story an hour or so ago, it made my day!

  • cofty

    Lots of JWs read the Daily Mail. It doesn't use big words, it doesn't have any naked breasts and it bangs on endlessly about "traditional values". Its perfect!

  • Deceived

    YAY, this is fabulous!

    Is anyone working on Canada media yet.

    Cofty, I think you might have helped a bit with the England part.

  • sf

    My fav quotes from article:

    landmark ruling

    Accountable: The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, which oversees the Jehovah's Witnesses, would have to pay 40 per cent of the damages


    ‘The ultimate goal of the lawsuit was to have a change in policy, to be able to ID these people, child molesters, to the congregation to protect children,’ Conti told

    ‘Secondarily, to have silent ones come forward and tell their stories and to bring to light that overall issue of violence and the hush-hush policy.’

    sKally, dancing around naked...seriously!!
  • AnnOMaly
  • shamus100

    :D :D :D


    Pictures please. ;)

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