The UK media disgusts me

by cedars 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • cedars

    I notice the Daily Mail article carries a picture of Candace too. I've inserted this on my blog article.


  • clarity

    Wow ..... nice going ..... Midwich that article is excellent as is the Headline!!!! Yowie!

    Good on you .... all of you


  • shamus100


    I didn't think this would make it over the ocean. Holy crap! :D

  • sabastious

    Is that why Piers Morgan works for CNN?


  • shamus100

    Piers Morgan works for CNN because it gives CNN a more 'international feel'. If you ever tune into CNN overseas it's so dramatically different you wouldn't even recognize it.

  • sabastious
    Piers Morgan works for CNN because it gives CNN a more 'international feel'. If you ever tune into CNN overseas it's so dramatically different you wouldn't even recognize it.

    I'm not sure if getting "funky looking" along with "international feel" is all that wise a move. Why does Anderson Cooper always slant his head to the right?


  • cofty

    Thats a great start. Major newspaper among the chattering classes ;)

  • wannabefree

    after reading the UK version above, I would say they have put out one of the best news articles yet

  • Quendi

    @ NewChapter: This ruling should not have any effect on advisor/penitent privilege in the United States. A priest who hears someone confess to the sin of pedophilia or a spiritual advisor who does so in that capacity will not be under obligation or coercion to break either the seal of the confessional or other privileged communication so long as the confidence is kept. What makes the WTS different is that a judicial committee hearing is not confidential. A record is made of the meeting and many times the information is forwarded on either in written or spoken form to WTS world headquarters or a branch office. When that is done, the confidentiality of the communication has been nullified and no privilege can be invoked.

    So a priest cannot be forced to reveal what he heard in a confessional. The same holds true for a spiritual advisor or a lawyer defending his client. Those communications are privileged and must be kept confidential. However, the Conti case did not involve something that was actually secret. Her assailant was a registered sex offender under the laws of the state of California and that registration was a matter of public record. So there was no reason for either the elders or the WTS not to inform the congregation of this pedophile's presence so that people could take steps to protect themselves and their loved ones.

    It will be interesting to see what changes, if any, the WTS will make. As far as I'm concerned, the entire judicial committee setup is unscriptural and should be completely abolished. There is no mention of anything like this in the New Testament. When serious wrongs were committed, the wrongdoer had to face the entire congregation for reproof, not a select few, and the meeting was held in the open and not in secret. It is clear that the WTS has grossly violated the letter and spirit of what the New Testament teaches. Is it any wonder that this matter has boomeranged on them with what I hope are devastating effects?


  • AnnOMaly

    I'm feeling a lot less "disgusted" by the UK media now.

    It pays to have a little patience, huh?

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