How Do You Deal With The Shunning You Receive From "Captive" Witnesses?

by Bubblegum Apotheosis 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    I am liking Don's term "Captive To A Concept" more and more, it explains so much about the mindset of average dubs.

    To those who are being activily shunned, how does it affect you when you see former friends and family, do the sideway's crab-walk to get away? You are not alone, Shunning is happening to weaker witnesses in the congregations, this practice is not sanctioned by the Watchtower Society, this trait is straight from Satan the Devil, it pure evil and cruel! As I post, this new trait is being taught to the power player's apprentices, teaching them how to do the "Weak Witnesses Exit Stage Left!" I contacted a member of JWN and asked if I could use his story, his wife was pioneering in field circus, when one of the elderettes ( I personally know her as, evil incarnate) asked "what the perfect Kingdom Hall would be like?"

    She wanted to pass out "Interview Questioners" to each new family that wanted to join her Kingdom Hall. Her husband was all for this, anything that makes him glow, and weeds out the needy and emotional distraught, leave more time for eating and drinking! She pulled out a list of questions from her service bag, the amount of time her husband had been wasting in judicial meetings, talking with emotional couples was eating her up. Elderette does not believe in depression, emotional problems, she views them as a weakness, removing the Kingdom Hall of "draggers" makes perfect sense to her!

    Our sister pulled out the list, and shocked flowed to the humble sisters, yet they were to afraid to call her on her madness. "She must be hitting Menopause" one kind sister thought", her husband must not be giving her due, or must be emotionally cold to her!".

    Part Of The Questioner List, I need to ask for the rest of them.

    1. Have you our your kids ever been Disfellowshiped? Y/N

    2. Have you are your kids ever been Publicly Reproofed? Y/N

    3. In the last six months, have you called the Elders for emotional support? Y/N

    4. Does Your Family Ask For Financial Aid For District Conventions? Y/N

    5 Are you taking antidepressants for depression Y/N

    Elderette Comfort would be able to weed out potential threats (time drains, low monthly hours, shepperding calls) to her Kingdom Hall, preventing needy families from wasting time, that was better spent with friends with no weakness and shared their love of wine and food. Her strange attidude did bother the the consciences of two sisters, but the havoc she should cause these pioneers was not worth the trouble.

    She glared at the list and said, "If anyone answered "Yes" to any of these questions, we would tell them to find another Kingdom Hall. I am tired of dealing with exhausting personalities, why can't they find another Hall?" Elderette Comfort" treats many of the weak ones no different from disfellowshiped members, acts like they got the plague and run's, leaves a shopping cart with her groceries if you are behind her!

    This is her S&M Bondage, she get's off on Shunning, it puts her in the seat of Moses! I am thinkings, do you think it's some kind of sickness, or is she about to have a nervous breakdown? How can anyone have this much fun and joy from shunning anyone, it seem wrong and cruel, but Cruella seems to dig this game!

  • Scully

    The only flaws in her plan are that (a) the answers to those questions are none of her damn business and (b) you aren't allowed to just "find a different Kingdom Hall™ - you are expected to go to the Congregation™ based on your place of residence and the Congregation's™ Territory™.

    It's incredible that some people's hold on the attention of others is so tenuous that they must weed out any potential competition before they even arrive. I see this "questionnaire" as part of a narcissistic attention-seeking personality. She's like the Queen Bee and everyone around her does her bidding.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Question #6 -- Are you and your spouse of the snooty, Pharisaic JDub personality that thinks your sh!+ doesn't stink and are thus mentally exhausting and a bitch to be with in service or any other social situation?


  • 00DAD

    Sounds like she and her husband deserve each other!

  • blindnomore

    If a mere JW woman think such sickly and cruelly, you can only imagine what JW men in charge locally and world wide can come out with!!

    What a sick and twisted Society! She would never come out with a such ideology as normal human being. Her list reminds me of what's happening in North Korea right now.

    A New dear leader Kim Jung Eun(=the newly reigining 7 GB) is weeding out(executing=disfellowshipping, shunning) any potential troublemakers from his kingdom Hell(Kingdom Hall).

    Every egomaniac brutal dictators use the same but guaranteed methods, punishing and controlling the information, to secure their reign of terror wether in the name of Sovereignty or Religion.

  • puffthedragon

    Next she will be asking if your bloodline is "pure" or if you have any undesirable races mixed in!

    /edit I had closed this tab and moved on, but the sickness of it made me come back. If I was with someone at this point in my life when they said that, I would be stunned and look them in the eye and tell them what a horrible person they were. Let her get DF'd for a couple years and see what she thinks about it then.

  • LV101

    I wasn't too aware of shunning when I stopped attending many yrs ago but I avoided any at the mall when chased around for sales w/the exception of a few that was impossible. With the latest shunning rules I've been rudely shunned by one or two then reapproached by the one and I'm just as loving as possible. I'm turning directions when I see the other shunner so I don't have to deal with it and then get upset with myself for not being the kind one, facing it, regardless, of her evil, cult's rules of behavior.

    It's all I can do not to mention to the store manager but that's not Christ like so I don't. I'd just love to discuss w/her the cult's rules when were chit chatting but I don't want anyone to lose their job over evil men in the tower.

  • LV101

    Oh, have to mention in one of the stores I've had a couple of long time employees (non-witnesses) ask me about the religion's rules and how a particular, present, co-worker has left the religion and is being shunned by their own blood relatives and other witnesses. They go on and on talking about this and cannot understand/believe it! The religion makes quite a witness to outsiders.

    As long as someone's job is not involved re/conversations re/the cult's shunning I let everyone know what a fraud the religion is.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I ignore it. I don't have the family issues with family that's in. I did have one emplyee years ago start to "shun" me years back when it was obvious I wasn't active anymore. I had to remind him of his postion in the company and that ignoring the boss is grounds for dismisal. He figured it out. I held the cards. Not he

  • Kojack57

    I think the Elderette needs to be pistol whipped but that won't happen as she is wearing her husbands BALLS.


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