Changes in Australian legislation - likely to outlaw shunning in the future?

by cedars 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wary

    thankyou Ceders,

    I admire your work along with lady lee.

    Where there are laws to enforce, lawyers are lurking!

    The way to enforce it, is to show non compliance with that law.

    How hard could it be to prove preventing contact with family/friends when it comes to written JW rules

  • tresdecu

    I agree with diamonddz above who said:

    "You have the freedom to shun anyone you want. You don't need to be friends with people you don't like or people that did something to you, I don't see us living in a society where a government will dictate to us how we should act towards others in this respect."

    Nobody could enforce how people react to certain people. BUT...Hopefully it may lead to officially making any kind of public announcement from the platform illegal. That is something anyway...and also taking away the tax bennies of any org that encourages shunning people. (ie they'll have to watch what they print)

    This will be an interesting one to watch in the future...hopefully something similar happens in the U.S.


  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I also posted this on another thread:

    I wonder how they will be able to implement this?

    For the most part physical abuse can be seen and identified by almost anyone but emotional abuse is not as easily detected; who will be qualified to examine the new claims?

    Under the new definition will they pick and choose who gets exposed, investigated or prosecuted?

    Will they act only on small individual cases while giving large groups and high control (religious) factions a free pass once again?

    These types of laws are a step in the right direction but they unfortunately are not fully enforceable and are littered with loopholes that an abusive person, group or entity can, with the help of a crafty attorney, slide through or go undetected.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I look at legislation like this and I just roll my eyes. I don't see a legal basis that someone has to be your friend. I had this happen in the congragation when my former FIL was acting like such the arrogant piece of crap that he is. Trying to control my marraige. I showed him the door and told him that when he respects my household, he can contact me again. He tried everything to "put me in my place". The PO in my cong finally told him, "I can't make Adam be your friend".

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