Do you now have a customized religion?

by losthobbit 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mP

    @losthobbit the bible may very well be true in many places, the problem is ppl read it with such a literal bias together with translations that are not faithful to the original hebrew words, that what they see is quite different to what the original author wrote. Most if not all rabbis realise the stories in the books like Genesis are stories, but xians want them so badly to be true, they lie to themselves and everybody else.

  • talesin

    I like the term truth-seeker, too, and prefer to see myself that way.

    I think that person really showed his/her arrogance when they said "if you don't believe in hell, you can't be Christian". wow... does s/he have a pipeline to god?

    I am not a Christian myself, but I do feel it is a very personal thing, and one's choice in belief is neither to be criticized, nor invalidated by any other Christian.


  • tec

    I have no religion, customized or not. Just Christ.

    Peace to you,


  • ldrnomo

    I am now in the "It is What it is" religion.

    somthing bad happens in life, "It is what it is"

    a death in the family, "It is what it is"

    Evolution or creation, "It is what it is"

    A God, no God, or wicked spirits that rule the world, "It is what it is"

    As yet nobodies called me on it because, yes you guessed it, "It is what it is"

  • AwareBeing

    From organized religion or dogma to conscience worship,

    from church or kingdom hall to house congregate,

    from Christendom or WT to apostolic fathers,

    from pretense or public display to community volunteerism...

  • QueenWitch

    I'm Buddhist Pagan. So yes, I've customized my spiritual beliefs.

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