Most unintentionally funny scene in a movie

by Abaddon 16 Replies latest social entertainment

  • ChakkaConned

    My daughter's and I always crack up watching "Gone With The Wind". There's several places where we laugh but especially when Scarlett falls down the steps after Rhett taunts her about losing their baby. The way he runs down after her and the accompanying music matches his tiny's just funny!
    Also when Rhett says "Your Shhh-stupid Ashley" in a scene with Scarlett. And most of the scene's with the wimpy Ashley Wilkes gives us a chuckle. He seems to be overacting and so melodramatic throughout the whole movie.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Billy Crystal in his song (a twist on the Gilligans Island theme song)
    refered to that man as "the propellor guy".

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I don't want to be mean, but a JW friend was trying to convert me at work by giving me all types of material. She gave me a videotape of the JW organization (about 15 years old) that showed the workers at the headquarters in Brooklyn. This other non-member friend and I were watching it (without the JW) and it came to a scene where the workers were having lunch at the headquarters and listening to a lunch hour speaker...they were either all so serious, no one moved, some looked sleepy, we though we were looking at Stepfordville -- it was hysterical...we couldn't stop laughing -- and this was the promotional film for the organization! Even if I believed the doctrine, I wouldn't join because it looked so depressing and who needs that.

  • dannywalsh

    the scene from the elephant man were michael elphick showed john hurt his reflection and he screamed pure sick humour

  • heathen

    The part in LOTR where I think it was Aragorn trying to teach the hobits some sword play winds up getting a hobit angry by pricking him with the sword only to have the hobit jump up and wrestle with him .lol

  • Scully

    I laughed so hard during Raiders of the Lost Ark at the scene where they are kidnapping the girl in the basket, and Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) is confronted by a nasty looking sword-wielding dude, performing some very intimidating sword dance. Indiana Jones rolls his eyes, pulls his gun out and shoots him. So much for intimidation.

    Love, Scully

  • Aztec

    If you have seen "Bowling for Columbine" you might find this funny. When Michael Moore asks Charton Heston why there is more gun related violence in the US when Canada has an equally large amount of gun ownership he responds by saying (not an exact quote) "Because we have more immigrants". LOL

    He could have said aliens btw I can't remember...the point was the same....LMFAO!!!!


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