JW Celebrities , Do you think they have anything more than a superficial understanding of Watchtower beleifs ?

by smiddy 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smiddy

    This is just something that has crossed my mind in the past , with ones such as the Williams sisters ( tennis stars ) George Benson ( music ) Prince (pop star / music ) and the like, do you think they have any real indepth knowledge of the teachings of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society ? ( Jehovahs Witnesses ) or are they just superficial beleivers ,what`s the latest fad in religion scenario , and once in, it`s not cool to break with it in a hurry. Maybe you can think of a few more celebrities that can be added here.

    What`s your thoughts ?


  • newbndreamz

    Hey, I thought about this myself. I always viewed their famous witnesses sort of as a comercial appeal, or a well known worldly person you could associate with the org. to identify to some degree. Good example would be like the sneaker industry and MD's Sprite ect. do with athletes.

  • John_Mann

    Certainly they don't (wanna) know much more from the Borg, I think they just want to get some underground religious coolness. I think it's a fail just like the celebrities with scientology, they could be better to relate to some hindu or shaman kind of religion.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    They have one set of beliefs for the public and another for in the hall.

    The Williams sisters are just born in, unbaptised. They are no more JW than I am.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I can't speak for what someone else believes or know what they’re taught.

    But I do know, if you have power, influence and money you can get away with/do anything and if you’re a po-azz-mo-fo rank and filer then you can’t sneeze without a JC.

    In my opinion, the double standard set between the have and have not witlesses speaks volumes.

  • breakfast of champions
  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    I have never understood the whole Prince conversion. How someone goes from 'f*cking the taste out of your mouth' to arguably the most sexually repressed religion is not a dot I can connect. I read something about his mother being a Witness and her dying wish was for him to convert. If that were true, then he did it out of pure guilt. This leads me to believe that eventually he'll just fade or be DAed. Whatever it is, guilt is not a stable foundation for faith. I doubt they want the bad publicity of disfellowshipping Prince all for everyone to see. The Society probably has handlers assigned to him who not only check up on him, but are ready to diffuse any situation should it come up.

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