Kind of Depressed, Looking for Someone to Talk to

by Reborn2002 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • gilwarrior

    Reborn, I have to ask if you still live with your parents? If you do, it is best if you move. The best thing to do is finding new friends. I moved to an apartment with a roommate and now I take dance lessons, work out, met a nice lady friend, and I am having a good time.

    "I have so much love to give, but no one to give it to."

    William H. Macy - "Magnolia"

  • plmkrzy

    Hi Reborn. Sorry your feeling down. I still have ups and downs after several years now of being a piece of war torn family. I have only very faint memories left of what it felt like when I believed I was a part of a family. It's unavoidable. But it doesn't make you crazy!! It means your real. Best advice I can think to give is don't let your self hate anyone for it. Man that can really age you fast!
    I will get better
    I hope tomorrow is better


    "The fellow that agrees with everything you say is either a fool or he is getting ready to skin you."
    - Kin Hubbard
  • DB

    Reborn, I can understand how you feel. I also noticed how your family attacked you personally instead of considering the evidence you had to present.
    Hang in there, and as severla of the posters here mentioned, you will find friends and love in your life.

  • mouthy

    Hey Reborn -glad you escaped so young- you have a lifetime ahead of you. I was there over 20 years,got kicked out at "old age" wanted to kill myself- only because I couldnt believe Jesus came invisably in 1914-I was ousted in 1987-I want to tell you I am 74 now- Since leaving the "lie" I have never been happier-no guilt- yes I have family still "in" but I have hopes they will one day "see the light"
    you can hear my testimony on
    The advice people have given here is good-Enjoy your life start doing what Christ died for " that you may have peace it is finished !!!!

  • stevieb1

    Hello Reborn, I'm a 32yr old male from the UK and I was 21 when I first questioned the WT. At that time I didn't come out because I thought that my so-called friends were more important than truth (my fleshly family are not JW's)and so I stayed. I wish now that I showed the same courage as you have just shown. Well done!!

    I know you must be suffering internally, but please know this - trust in God and pray to him as much as you can and he will see you right through these trials. Pray for your family too.

    I look forward to your posts in the future and please keep us updated with your progress.



  • TheStar

    I wrote this long post of encouragement and my browser got stuck and I lost it all. :(

    Email me anytime. I'm a newbie around here too. Hang in there buddy!

  • patio34

    Hi Jason,

    I'm glad you posted and let people know. it's good to reach out--good for you and for others who are/were going thru the same type of thing. And what a place this is! Talk about empathy--we ALL have been thru the same kind of war experience.

    I agree with another poster who said that it's still an early stage for you.

    I visited your web page and it's very good. Good pictures!

    Hope things are looking up for you soon!

    WTBS: Quit peeing on my leg and telling me it's raining.
  • JBean

    Hi Jason... all the above advice is sooooo valuable. I have tears in my eyes reading everyone's comments and concern for you. I want to tell you that you are strong, strong, strong... To do what you did takes courage and a strong sense of self and what is right and wrong. I am 40 years old and a 3rd generation-er also... I am STILL gathering my courage to do what you did. You will make wonderful friends here. Try to find out if any live close to you (within the state) and you can possibly try to get together in person on occassion. Keep hangin' in there!

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