We Are Witnessing a New Enlightenment Age

by DarioKehl 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • jemba

    Hey Phizzy, us Australians must really be new age. Our prime minister is openly athiest.

  • shopaholic

    The show "Community" is a comedy about the friendship of a group of folks that you would least expect to be friends at a community college. The black guy in the group is suppose to be a JW and they occasionally will make reference to the strangeness of the JW beliefs. The character has since become a roommate with a guy in the group and they don't reference the JW stuff as much.

    There was an episode where his roommate had him go undercover to celebrate Christmas and another episode where they celebrate his birthday without celebrating his birthday.



    I wonder if the JWs are told not to watch this show.

  • d

    Yes we are people are starting to question things and not just religion.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I live in an area where it is still "fashionable" to be religious. However, in my opinion, the vast majority of people under the age of 60 who actually attend services are really only there for the dog and pony show so to speak. It's a social thing, and whatever actual doctrine or dogma is taught doesn't really impact the daily lives of the congregation. I can see the same trend developing with the witnesses. THey attend, they go through the motions, and yet they still do as they please when no one is looking. It's hard to imagine how it can really be sustainable long term given the total lack of interest so many dubs have in actually following all the rules.

  • jgnat

    Churches are not the social force they were in the past. Psychology Today ran an interesting article in the June 2012 edition, "The Athiest in the Next Pew". We are seeing attendees to mainline churches, who quietly disbelieve the doctrine. They attend for other reasons.

    This is a significant reduction in the power of the church over people's minds. IMO.

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