Guns And Self Defense??

by Cold Steel 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Glander

    The apostle Peter armed himself

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Wow...thanks, Blondie. Those excerpts made me ill. Don't resist, you might get hurt! If you get spray, it might come back and burn your eyes. Karate? You might get hurt in a practice session! This shows me just how far a religion can go when it deals with the "precepts of men."

    In my own religion, weapons ownership and use is not looked down upon and we're taught that a man who cannot or will not protect his family is a coward. Yes, a man who lives by the sword dies by the sword, but there's a far cry between a Christian and the Sopranos. Which lives by the sword? Do both? Hardly! Peter lopped off the guard's ear, but why did he have the sword? There's a far cry between Jesus not resisting what he had come to Earth to do, which was to atone for the sins of all men, and someone resisting someone who would butcher their family.

    My religion, and many other Christian denominations, would protect the chastity of women in a heartbeat over spinelessly allowing it to happen. In fact, not defending one's self, I think, would be a greater sin by far than allowing the wicked to abuse the righteous. Taking the life of a murderer or rapist is fully and completely justified in the eyes of God if one is threatened.

    Again, many people with handguns don't ever have to fire a shot. And if one allows a murderer or rapist to have his way and murder or rape again, then the blood of the innocent victims in the future may be on their heads.

    The Bible does not anywhere teach that one does not have the right to self defense or, that if one has the means to self defense that he or she is not justified in using it. After Jesus left his disciples, he instructed them: "But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." (Luke 22:36) The apostle Paul also wrote: "But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." (I Timothy 5:8) In those days, men were expected to provide not only food and shelter for their families, but defense as well.

    And what of those who cravenly cowered before their attackers with downcast eyes lest they be smitten? Proverbs 25:26 states: "A righteous man who falters before the wicked is like a murky spring and a polluted well." The JW Governing Body shamefully teaches its members to be cowards.

    In the law given to Moses, the commandment was given, "Thalt shall not MURDER." The word "kill" is a mistranslation as virtually every scholar today admits. The difference is that murder is the shedding of INNOCENT blood. Why would God make the distinction if self defense was to be forbidden? It doesn't make sense. In fact, the Law of Moses makes ample room for self defense. If God never changes and is the same yesterday, today and forever, then why would self defense be discouraged or outlawed? Besides, the law of God before that given to Moses states, "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed." (Gen. 6) If a murderer is to be killed as part of God's law, then why is it any different to slay him in defense of one's family and loved ones?

    The Governing Body thus lacks God's authority and teaches for commandments the precepts of men, having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof. Members of the church, therefore, are not only fully justified, but commanded to take whatever means at hand to protect their families. And if their wives or daughters are threatened with rape or murder, they are charged with protecting them, even if they have to put large holes into the foreheads of the miscreants.

    "Nobody has to...surrender his right of self-defense for fear of hurting somebody else, guilty or innocent. When someone comes at you with a gun, if you have one ounce of self-esteem, you will answer him by force, never mind who he is or who is behind him. If he is out to destroy you, that is what you owe to the sanctity of your own life."

    -- Ayn Rand Ford Hall Forum 1972: "A Nation's Unity"

  • talesin

    Ayn Rand

  • botchtowersociety

    "Nobody has to...surrender his right of self-defense for fear of hurting somebody else, guilty or innocent. When someone comes at you with a gun, if you have one ounce of self-esteem, you will answer him by force, never mind who he is or who is behind him. If he is out to destroy you, that is what you owe to the sanctity of your own life."

    My life is worthy of defending against evil aggressors, and the lives of my wife and children. If someone comes to attack any of them with deadly force, my duty and conscience are clear.

  • talesin

    My thumbs down was perhaps, inappropriate in this context.

    The statement, yes. Ayn Rand's philosophies, no.

    The chances of someone coming at me or my family with a gun are practically non-existent. Lucky to be a Canadian, where we do not live in a gun culture.

    And that is an observation, not a criticism.

    I said "lucky", not proud. I love my American friends, and those I have met on my travels through many states have been kind and welcoming. The only time I had a gun pointed at me was when a State Trooper stopped me for speeding. It was chilling.


  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    JWs in Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, Wis, have no problem hunting with rifles, I had a group of guys who would go Elk hunting in Colorado each year, not a big deal! Self-defense guns are not allowed, this is one of those gray areas your conscience is suppose to help with!

  • TOTH

    I have always owned at least one firearm whether I was active or fading as I am right now. I have a .357 magnum revolver, a 45/70 government lever action rifle and a .303 British Lee Enfield Rifle that was used to fight the Japanese in WWII by an Australian soldier. when the elders bitched about my gun ownership I told them to take it up with CAESAR who gave me the right to bear arms for defense or hunting or any other lawful purpose. Since the governmental authorities are here by god's appointment, god gave me the right....end of discussion. I was of course, "Marked" for not displaying the proper servile attitude to them. SCREW THEM I say!

  • tornapart

    Can't believe what a gun culture the US is.. you make it sound scary!! LOL We have to have a licence to have a gun here and you have to have a real good reason to have one. (ie. gun club, gamekeeper, armed police etc). Also they have to be safely locked away when not in use. If you break these laws you'll be sent to jail.

  • outsmartthesystem

    To the best of my cannot be DF for owning a hand gun. But you certainly will never have "privleges" and you will be known around the congregation as spiritually weak and rebellious.....which will result in a status of semi-shunning

  • tootired2care
    To the best of my cannot be DF for owning a hand gun. But you certainly will never have "privleges" and you will be known around the congregation as spiritually weak and rebellious.....which will result in a status of semi-shunning

    LOL...I guess that rules me out of great priviledges, oh darn!

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