James A. Shapiro, Professor of Microbiology qouted to support Creationism.

by dark angle 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dark angle
    dark angle

    My brother, clinging to creationism quoted Prof. James A. Shapiro to support his idea. this our Facebook dialoge:

    Him: Innovation, not selection, is the critical issue in evolutionary change.

    Thirty years ago, I was at a conference in Cambridge, England, to celebrate the centennial of Darwin's death. There, Richard Dawkins began his lecture by saying, "I will not only explain that Darwin had the right answer, but I will show that he had the only possible right answer."

    Hearing this (and knowing that alternative explanations inevitably arise in science), I said to myself that the Creationists have a point. They are dealing with a form of religious belief on the "evolution" side. Dawkins' transformation into an aggressive proselytizer for his undoubting and absolutist version of atheism confirms this conclusion.

    - James A. Shapiro, Professor of Microbiology, University of Chicago

    Me: Don't rejoice yet! Prof Shapiro is not a proponent of Creationism. Far from it, he is one of the leading researcher and advocator of Modern Evolutionary Theory as opposed to Neo Darwinism. His postulates are fine and intriguing.

    In his boo k: Evolution: A View from the 21st Century, Shapiro integrates advances in symbiogenesis, epigenetics, and saltationism into a unified approach that views evolutionary change as an active cell process, regulated epigenetically and capable of making rapid large changes by horizontal DNA transfer, inter-specific hybridization, whole genome doubling, symbiogenesis, or massive genome restructuring.

    His book, marshals extensive evidence in support of a fundamental reinterpretation of evolutionary processes, including more than 1,100 references to the scientific literature. Shapiro's work will generate extensive discussion throughout the biological community, and may significantly change your own thinking about how life has evolved. It also has major implications for evolutionary computation, information science, and the growing synthesis of the physical and biological sciences.

    http://www.amazon.com/ Evolution-View-Century-Pres s-Science/dp/0132780933

    Him: Yep, he is an honest evolutionist.

    "In order to be truthful, we must acknowledge that certain questions, like the origins of the first living cells, currently have no credible scientific answer." - James A. Shapiro


    "I will not only explain that Darwin had the right answer, but I will show that he had the only possible right answer." - Richard Dawkins

    One can immediately distinguish between the two which one is a true biologist(scientist) from an evangelist. hehe

    Me: First of, your right, Prof Shapiro is not opposing the general theory of Evolution. Rather, he is refining the details of the mechanisms, arguing that the classical definition of Darwinism is lacking, and that through the advancement of modern technology and recent biological data, offers alternative details on evolutionary processes. He is not arguing about whether Evolution did occur or not, but rather the on the details. For him the classical definitions are either lacking or incorrect.

    Second, the cherry pick quoted: "In order to be truthful, we must acknowledge that certain questions, like the origins of the first living cells, currently have no credible scientific answer." was lifted out from the rest of his comments, & used by some creationist fans to suit their needs. Here is the entire context:

    "We need to demonstrate that evolution science is alive and well, as well as show how it is making remarkable progress through the application of molecular technologies -- even though it does not have all the answers.

    To the thoughtful scientist whose job is to uncover natural processes, this is surely a better way of advocating the scientific method than dogmatically asserting that we found all the scientific principles we need in centuries past.

    In order to be truthful, we must acknowledge that certain questions, like the origins of the first living cells, currently have no credible scientific answer. However, given the historical record of science and technology in achieving the "impossible" (e.g., space flight, telecommunications, electronic computation and robotics), there is no reason to believe that unsolved problems will remain without naturalistic explanations indefinitely." - James A. Shapiro.

    Now, who's the evangelist?

    C'mon lets get over that stone age superstition!

    http:// www.evolutionnews.org/2012/ 05/ more_reasons_to059221.html

    Did i answer him correctly? please give me your inputs. thanks

  • FrankWTower

    You were eloquent, thurough and based on sound logic. I love how you brought up the quote mining argument. More JW's need to be educated on quote mining, a common WT practice used to attempt to discredit the scientific community and any other source of information that contradicts them.

    Shapiro's quote doesn't even contradict science anyway, it merely states that we don't know everything right now. Some questions we have may take science 10 years, others 100 years, and others 1000 years to answer. It is a logical fallacy to think that whatever we cannot currently explain is unexplainable and was therefore an act of god.

  • cantleave

    Nice logical response.

  • dark angle
    dark angle

    Thank you guys. your inputs are well appreciated.

  • dark angle
    dark angle

    Funny our discussion continued:

    Him: Uhmm this post/thread is about Dawkins being more of an evangelist than a real scientist..which Shapiro clearly pointed out. hehe

    Me: They are both evolutionary scientist with different attitudes. that's all :)

    The evangelist are those who wants to cherry pick quote scientist to fit their propaganda while ignoring what they really meant as a whole.

    Richard Dawkins words are still valid, that Darwins' idea was right, and that it's the only possib le answer to the mystery of the variety of life on our planet. Darwin may be wrong on the details on how evolution occur, the processes and mechanisms that guided evolution, but was entirely right that life did evolve. Limited by the technology on his time, he maybe wrong on some details, but entirely right in General, that life was, is , and will evolve.

    Here's Shapiro's entire blog:
    http:// www.huffingtonpost.com/ james-a-shapiro/ evolution-debate_b_1425133. html

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