Hello...may I post here?

by KistByQpid 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • KistByQpid


    "Your JW infestation" LMAO!!! Sometimes it just helps to have a sense of humor...ya made my day!

  • Ranchette


    Just wanted to say thatyou are very welcome here and I hope you meet lots of new friends and find this to be a place you really enjoy.

    I also wanted to let you know that I understand you feeling like you've lost both parents.
    I'm sorry and hope things change some day.

    You will learn alot about JWs here.

    Edited to add that I was raised as a JW.
    I am not DA or DF'd but I do claim to be a witness anymore.


  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Hi QPID,
    Welcome, I'm not JW either. The people on this board are really great at letting us see into that really alien JW world. It still boggles my mind.

  • sadiejive
    Because she has broken my trust by witnessing to my kids behind my back, I need to be carefull not to give her additonal opportunities to do that. Oh yeah, my kids are 12 and 7.


    What I did with my mom, after getting over being really pi$$ed off because she didn't submit to my will (typical JW mindset...lol), was I compromised. My kids quit sleeping over and she came over to my house or I went to hers once or twice a week just so the kids could see her and spend time with her. This, of course, was supervised (couldn't let her sneak in any of those demonic videos...lol). Or I would meet her at the park and go for lunch with her. The kids enjoyed that.

    I am so thankful that I got my head out of the box. I have an even stronger relationship with my mom. I think she sees me as like the prodigal daughter, now...lol. If you are prayer then pray for your mom and study, study, study her religion...and yours. But I would try to avoid talking about it...but if your mom is like the average dub, she won't be able to contain it. She will have to talk about it. Know your stuff and how to make her think about what she says to you. Is your mom aware of WTS history? Just curious. A lot of "newbies" are not. The only reason I found out anything about them was because I'm on the internet...and I looked for stuff.

    I wish you the best. It is a toughie...but I wouldn't break my kids off from seeing her entirely. She could turn that against you later on ("oh, I wanted to see you kids but your mom wouldn't let me"...that kind of thing). Good luck to you. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to email me.


  • myMichelle

    Hi KBQ,

    I'm also a nonJW, never have been and never will be. I'm married to a man who was raised in the Org, got baptised 9 years into our marriage, and who is now what I term a closet apostate. We're both very careful in what we say around his family, esp. his mom.

    His mom on occasion will do some witnessing behind my back, but my kids who are 7 and 9 usually tell me so we can talk about it. One of the latest was about Xmas, and so I got to talk to them about different beliefs surrounding Xmas and how different people believe different things.

    My Mother-in-law has been a baptized witness since '71/'72, so the new zeal is gone, but still she is ocassionally driven to try to witness to me or the kids. Usually the kids, it's been a long time since she has to me. I think she now knows, I'm not just going to bite my tongue any more and she doesn't want to hear my questions.

    Welcome to the board,

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