I dreamed I went to Heaven.....

by Phizzy 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Phizzy

    and there, seated on a golden throne was Jehovah, not frightening at all, very impressive but benign looking, with a pleasant smile, He said "Would you like to ask me anything?"

    It flashed through my mind that I would ask Him the question about allowing Evil, but I thought I might not get too long to question so I said :

    "Are you the Supreme Being ?"

    He replied, still with that lovely smile, " I AM".

    So, I quickly asked "How do you know you are ?"

    Discuss please.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Yo can you ask Jehovah about this coming Saturday's Rangers/Caps game? Daddy needs a new pair of EVERYTHING.

  • Heaven

    Just so you know, Jehovah ain't at my place. Just sayin'.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Damn, cause I got a jar I just can't open and I was gonna have you ask him to bless me with super powers to budge the lid.

  • tec

    Did you really dream that?

    I had a vivid dream last night that I was on a planet that regulated its own human population, keeping humans from taking over and destroying everything. Every few hundred or so years, these creatures would come up from (I don't know where, hibernation of some sort), and eat their fill of humans, then go back into hibernation. Enough people were left to repopulate, and then it would happen again.

    I dreamt about the preperations of the people, the during raid, and the aftermath. It was strange, then I saw your thread. Sorry, I'm so off-topic.



  • Diest

    Dreaming you went to heaven is like dreaming that you fell...if you hit the floor or the pearl gates...you are DEAD.

  • strymeckirules

    thought i'd died and gone to heaven?

    so did bryan adams in 1991.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    LOL... didn't happen to have one of these in your dream did you tec?...If you did....I hope you didn't go underground...

  • tec

    lol... no. They were flying, winged creatures in my dream.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    ooooh...that would make a good movie!

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