Memorial talk outline link was too much for dubs?

by Haereticus 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Haereticus

    Last night I posted Watch Tower Observer link about the Memorial talk outline onto a finnish forum. By noon the thread had about dozen posts. I just checked and found out that the thread was being removed. I did post the same link again just to see if it is going to be removed again.

    It was a sort of reply to JW statement that apostates do not have accurate knowledge about what is going on. Furthermore I tried to point out that one released rather than captive is more likely to know what captivity/freedom is all about.

    It may have been that the link did hit a sore point and dubs have pursuaded administration to remove the topic. Let's see how long lasting this second attempt will prove to be?

    "Proper preparation & planning prevents piss poor performance." - Awul Dasfilshabeda and Nowaynayda Zheet

  • Fredhall


    So, are you going to the Memorial?

  • RunningMan

    They probably consider the post to be apostate information. But how can the Society's own outline be considered apostate?

  • Haereticus


    Thanks for asking, but by 18.00 that Thurday I'll be at least well under way. Friday is a puclic holiday as well as Monday it is good time for what we here call a four day "tube".


    Administration could not care less about the link. This forum has much worse postings tham mine. I do believe that a dub or several of them has turned to the administration and easiest way stop the complaints from dubs is to remove my topic. Anyway we shall see what is the life span of this second attempt (2 hours now).

    "Proper preparation & planning prevents piss poor performance." - Awul Dasfilshabeda and Nowaynayda Zheet

  • out4good3

    Anything that doesn't come from the slave is potentially Apostate...

    What they want is for you to be in the Hall so they can post that yearly increase they seem to be so proud of announcing at they're district conventions......

  • Kent
  • Haereticus

    It seems that I am raving mad when abstaining from booze. My love has told me to dedicate one month a year for "whitewashing my nose" as we say. Naturally I chose the shortest which is soon over.

    I did actually post my message much earlier than I figured and it is very popular site so the message got buried.

    Things will change with upcoming TGIF and my mental equilibrium will be reinstated.


    Thanks for reminding me, I will keep that in my mind. Your link was there just few days ago by somebody else. It was in a very appropriate reply to a JW statement about openness of the borg.

    "Proper preparation & planning prevents piss poor performance." - Awul Dasfilshabeda and Nowaynayda Zheet

  • Valis

    Kent, I have a KM for Feb 2002. If you want it I'll mail it to you. Just email me your address and it will be on its way.

  • JT

    Kent you ain't no good-- SMILE

    HAVEN'T seen the branch book since i left bethel

    it used to be in the 124 building library then bethelites started xeroxing stuff out of it and it was removed


  • Pureheart

    Kent posted this on his forum.

    Writing Articles for "The Watchtower" and "Awake!"
    Chapter 24

    1. WRITING DESKS: The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses has approved of setting up writing desks on a permanent basis in a number of the Society's branch offices.
    to find additional individuals who are qualified to write and thus give greater diversity to the style of writing in our magazines, while also achieving a broader interest in our publications.
    Those used as writers must be dedicated, baptized brothers or sisters in good standing with their local congregations and who have writing ability. They should be exemplary, modest, not inclined to talk loosely to others about their writing activity. Sisters may be found to be especially talented in writing articles of interest to women. However, they should not be used to prepare articles that are basically an exposition of Scripture.

    I thought that the faithful and discreet slave was providing food at the proper time?


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