Don't know where to turn, Don't know who to trust

by BrotherPrince 58 Replies latest jw experiences

  • diamondiiz

    Here's a little gem you might find interesting, it's a fun book that deals with some bible verses called Atheists Book of Bible Stories. Take a look and have a read, once you start reading you won't be able to stop, totally funny and eye opener.

    Now, your first problem is that you imagine that watchtower somehow had anything to do with Jehovah. If you investigate them, you will be amazed by their deception from altering dates and ways they arrive at these dates. You'll be amazed about many scandals that they managed to hide from their followers and from us when we were in - until many of us realized we were duped. Take a look at for detailed list of eye rolling crap that they pulled on their followers.

    Preaching is only to keep you busy and away from thinking straight. As long as you're busy, you won't have time to question watchtower's stupid teachings like overlapping generation. You won't ask why downsizing is taking place and why anointed number is growing and not getting any smaller while the end is so much nearer and yet no end in sight.

    Start your research into watchtower and come to your conclusions. If you like, research the bible itself and the stories in it and come to your conclusions. Many have done so and come to conclusions that the bible has some historical facts included with myths and how can one support it as being infallible word of god? If you look up Jehovah, you'll find some interesting things that it appears the name came from Canaanites who the Jews originally were.

    Once you rid of yourself of the fear of Armageddon and imaginary bullshit that watchtower put in your head, you'll be able to look at the world in a different light without superstitious fear. Life is short, so start living it and enjoy it as there doesn't appear to be a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

  • Dogpatch

    Amen, Diamond, amen.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    Of course you can go back to the KH at any time. Just be prepared that your fond memories of how wonderful the JWs are may only last a few months until the love-bombing wears off and they expect you to spend more time preaching and "reaching out". And don't mention that you've looked at anything critical of "the organization." Don't ask any questions about the generation teaching or about how kangaroos and koalas got from the ark to Australia. You have to ignore a lot of the stuff in the Bible that's completely impossible to take literally. And for that matter, you'll have to learn to put Watchtower, the organization, and the Governing Body on a higher level than the Bible, Jesus, and Jehovah.

    Oh, and you're going to have to forget about vagina for a while, maybe for a long while. No fornicating, no porn, no masturbation (or at least don't admit to it), no R rated movies. You will have to find a "sister" (this may take a few years for you to be appointed MS so that you can get a "spiritual sister") and be chaperoned on every occasion so that you won't be tempted by Satan and your sinful flesh. But I served as an elder long enough that I'll go ahead and warn you that you run the very real risk of actually experiencing very little vagina even after you marry a JW. Maybe you'll like having the elders snooping around your bedroom habits and telling you that you need to be satisfied with plain vanilla intercourse with the lights out, and only a few times a year. If you get stuck with counsel from some sterile old elders, they'll admonish you to take that extra potency and use it to preach more.

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    Billy that was kinda of a brutal welcome! Why be so truthful when dealing with brother Prince? Did you ever wonder why the sisters only wanted sex infrequently?

    These kids are smarter than we were Billy, they have tried "Chunky Monkey, Cherry Garcia, Double Chocolate Super Brownie" the other exotic flavors warned against by men like Brother Waldo, who I doubt get's anything more than those stupid pudding cups from the District Assemblies. Remember how crappy the Shasta Soda and Pudding cups tasted?

    Welcome Prince, at your service!

  • cyberjesus

    welcome.... read this forum,, keep reading, keep coming back.. keep reading even if you dont agree with what you read.... just stay here. eventually you will find out your answers... trust that.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb


    I don't know what to tell you besides give it time, do your research and decide for yourself. If you're not thoroughly convinced of the best path for yourself you will ALWAYS have doubts, and that's not a great way to live by any account; so whatever you decide make it YOUR decision.

    One thing that has always helped me is asking, "When someone is trying to persuade me, why are they doing it and who is benefiting from it?" This has helped open my eyes to, in my opinion, the societies scam. They need you, your free labor and your cold hard cash; however there are many good people here with great advice that have nothing to gain by helping you; it's something to think about.

  • ziddina
    "Two other things: I saw somewhere on the forum someone posted about JWs not being the only religion that preaches, who else preaches?..."

    Mormons also go door-to-door, although that's usually assigned to the young male Mormons, and usually only for a period of 2 - 4 years at a time...

    I also found a mention of Christian Scientists going door-to-door in proselytising work, here:

    But there are many Christian religions that proselytize. The Roman Catholics, the Baptists, the Anglicans, the Seventh-Day Adventists, among others...

    Going door-to-door is not the most effective means of conversion, in many situations - especially with the rise of the internet.

    Here's a Gazette article that mentions that aspect of the door-to-door method of gaining converts...

  • lilbluekitty

    It's not a matter of finding the true religion, instead it should be a matter of finding the way a good relationship with God. To me, religion kind of gets in the way of getting to God. Pray, ask for Holy Spirit, read the gospel (and the rest of the Bible but focus on the gospel) and follow Jesus. Welcome!

  • erbie

    You could had said you love pussy. We wouldn't be offended.

    Too polite!

  • Magwitch

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