How many 144000 left?

by FinchAndWeston 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • MidwichCuckoo

    So, at this growth rate, how long will it be before the 'Remnant' consists of more than 144,000? I can't do the maths, lol

  • cedars

    MidwichCuckoo - I've thought along similar lines myself before, but it's basically pointless trying to mathematically debunk the remnant doctrine, because the Society no longer recognizes the number of memorial partakers as being the true number of the anointed remnant. Cynical sods, aren't they!


  • MidwichCuckoo

    Cedars - I believe that JWs suffer more 'mental illness' than the general population (from what I've read and from knowing too many JWs on long term anti-depressants). I'm wondering if there's a correlation between an increase in JWs with 'mental issues' and an increase in the 'Remnant' numbers? Just a thought.

  • jemba

    Ive known Bros and Sis who the BOE have agreed among themselves that "this one is nuts".

    I once found the perfect house but it was next door to a bro who was very weird, so they advised me to go ahead and rent the house but just not let him or his (lovely) wife know that Id moved in. Well it didnt take long for them to see me over the fence and this lovely lady got very hurt, esp when i told her it was the elders who suggested i keep quiet as her husband wasnt well liked by the BOE. Knowing the elders in my area they wouldnt count him as a partaker if he did because they see him as mentally unstable. So I believe the numbers could be higher than reported. I wonder if there has been any letters to elders on what to do about the 'crazy' partakers.

    In hindsight he just had social issues ie he came on very strong and wanted to be your best friend and you couldnt get rid of him. He also wore outlandish suits and clown/bowling shoes. These were just judgemental unloving elders who broke that poor sisters heart with that stupid reasoning. She died of a heart attack a few yrs later. I have felt guilty ever since for hurting their feelings esp as I didnt want to take the elders advice and just come clean and let them know i lived next door.

  • Alfred

    At the current rate that they're increasing, there will be roughly 22,800 annointed remaining by the year 2025.

    The WT will probably slip in a "Questions From Readers" explaining that the 144,000 started being counted in 1914. The R&F for the most part will see this as NuLite and only a few remaining "thinkers" will catch this and fade...

  • Chariklo


    Hold on a second - these numbers are of baptised people right....and they say that they could have mental or emotional issues - but don't they all have to do a series of questions before they get baptised - based on the fact that they are supposed to know what is taught by the JW's in order to "pass" - how can they then have mental or emotional issues - they KNOW THEIR BELIEF - doesn't make sense

    It doesn't work like that. I passed my 6 hours of questions with flying colours. But when I came to really think about it afterwards, I was just parroting what I'd learned. Did I actually BELIEVE it all?

    Nope. Not at all.

    I never, ever believed that God made Adam 4026 years ago, thereby disbelieving everything that archaeology and paleontology tells u, for instance, about the painted caves in the Dordogne, and so much more.

    I never believed that Jesus was an angel.

    And I absolutely never believed that 144,000 people would be condemned to sit for ever on heavenly thrones and rule over everyone else. That's not a life sentence, that's eternity!

    The whole concept of "the anointed" is just a fairy story! Or a nightmare.

  • Frozenout

    They all died out 2000 years ago.

  • Sic Semper Tyrannis
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

    The Society saying that some partakers might be mentally unbalanced or influenced by previous religious beliefs is just their peculiar way of saying that just because someone partakes, it doesn't mean that they are qualified or have been approved by the Society to do so. This issue likely came up during a GB meeting about the rising numbers of partakers, and they decided that the easiest path would be to disconnect from the practice by not directly policing it from up top. The bullying can be done much more effectively by local elders and COs. If someone partakes, they will "allow" it and count it, and let the local cops do the dirty work of placing guilt trips if need be.

  • Knowsnothing

    The 144,000 is supposed to have been surpased long ago. This is one of the things Ray Franz argued about. There is a WT quote that 40,000 christians were martyred in a single event by the Romans. If that isn't enough to wake you up to this scam, I don't know what is.

  • Ding

    According to Revelation 7:14, the 144,000 come out of the great tribulation so it would seem they haven't even been identified yet.

    Just talking about what the Bible says, not what the WTS says.

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