Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 04-22-2012 WT Study (POSITIVE)

by blondie 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • BluesBrother

    Positivity Vs negativity....It reminds me of my last job where one had to show enthusiasm for every hare brained management initiative even though it was obviously not in our interests. To differ, or to make a 'constructive' objection was met with c a charge that "You are negative!" and a bad influence......

    Same here, they do away with Assembly food and drink "Oh Goody!" you have to say. They stop the Tuesday book study "What a good idea !" the sheep bleat. Are they really preserving the positive spirit, or repeating platitudes?

    Par 5] "When we abound in good deeds......we help build a warm and positive spirit in the congregation" Do they really need to be told this? Does it not come naturally in Christianity?

    "Guard Against murmuring & Wrongdoing" Subheading. In other words keep quiet if you have a legitimate grievance, or you will be labelled a murmurer....

    On the other hand, they are obliged to disclose serious wrongdoing despite a veiled threat in para 13 about a charge of slander against the complainer. One of these sins is "pornography".. Does the average sister understand what is really viewed as porn if she sees him buy it in the supermarket ? Could be trouble.......

    But as it ends up saying "lets work to preserve a healthy positive spirit".....As the old song says "Always look on the Bright Side of do, de do, de do dy do dy dooo

  • WTWizard

    You are never going to have a positive spirit in a religion where true spirituality is suppressed. I have heard people hear that they sacrificed physical, mental, and emotional health for spiritual "health(??)". If it was true spiritual health, it should actually be able to heal you in the other areas. Otherwise, you are simply wasting your time. Which is not good for the positive spirit of any congregation.

  • rocketman

    A few days ago I attended a small church meeting at a school. They had two keyboards and a guitar and live playing during the songs. This small group of maybe 25 people, with two of them leading the singing on microphones, blew away anything thing I'd ever heard at a jw meeting in 30 years of attending. The spirit imbued by live instrumentation far outdoes any of the canned, pre-recorded sound at the KH. It promotes a spontaneity that I had never heard during jw worship.

    Two decades ago at the KH, we had a sister who played piano and we sang to that. A CO came through, instructed the elders to remove her from playing, and instituted singing only to cassette tapes. One more evidence at that time of the complete squashing of anything spontaneous in favor of strict, top-down control.

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    One of the sisters in a neighboring congregation happened to mention that she watched the movie, "The King's Speech" (R rated) while she was out to lunch with another sister. The other sister promptly called one of the elders and they called her in. Even though she "repented", she can't give a talk in the ministry school or pioneer for awhile. I wonder what they would have done if she had argued with them.

    I watched the movie myself and didn't see anything wrong with it, even though I'm normally quite picky about the morality in the movies I watch.

    It was about King George VI's ascension to the throne.

  • hamsterbait

    Blondie -your comment on the new amateurish song book hits the nail right on the head.

    Whoever wrote those accompaniments would have failed any degree or diploma exams in harmony.

    The most glaring errors in musical technique are there for all to see. God help them: If a professional musician is stumbled because they dont even wirte music grammatically they will be blood guilty.


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Jesus said: “All will know you are my disciples if you have Love among yourselves.” (Jh 13:35)

    You would think then that the dominant spirit in each JW congregation would be…. Love?

    Yet by their own admission par 2 says: “Some congregations are especially known for showing a warm, loving spirit. Others are exceptional in their zealous support of the Kingdom preaching work and in showing a high regard for the full-time ministry ( apparently love takes a back seat in these exceptional congregations ).”

    What good is a zealous support of the Kingdom preaching work and in showing high regard for the full-time ministry if a warm loving spirit is missing?

    Then they end the paragraph with the question: “What is the spirit of your congregation?”

    Why even ask the question? The dominant spirit of each and every JW (Christ Like) Congregation should automatically and logically be Love, Love, Love!

    Conclusion of the matter: JW congregations today are likely struggling to display a warm, loving and positive spirit!

  • bobld

    Thanks Blondie!

    Q14/15.Become wrongdoing.

    So the one that reports is she/he without sin?In what way are elders going to help...breakup the family.Why not offer REAL help.Idon't think they are qualified,because they are sinners.Did not Jesus die for our sins and don't give me that BS elders will help.OH maybe with the boot to the ASS.

    This tactit is done by dictators,such as A.H.,R.K.,N.K.,POLPOT,KGB,etc.

  • BroMac

    Jesus said he without sin cast the first stone. when everyone had dissapeared he told the girl her sins had been forgiven and to Practice sin no more. she had been caught in the act and the law stated death penalty. no mention of the girl showing repentance. all done in a public place out in the open.

    but love prevailed. Jesus did not condemn the girl.

    like that would happen today

  • ziddina
    "When I visited people at Bethel, I was told, "there is the telegraph, the telephone, and tell-a-Bethelite" - just substitute elder, elder's wife, anyone with access to confidential info. ..." Blondie, below paragraph 7...


  • Butterflyleia85

    Good Read! Thanks for sharing this! You are so right with alot of things you said. I remember too when our family wasn't the elder's family anymore (my grandpa died), my mom, my sister and I were just coming back to our home town (moved away because my mother married a worldly guy). And they treated us like CRAP!!! I hated going to the meetings, but I went faithfully with the help of a dear friend of my mom's. then when she got DFed there was no one!! I went out in service faithfully an was so incouraged by her... I felt my mom was jealous an she never really been all that great of a spiritual influence (after my father who abused her etc. and still to this day is a JW). Anyways, going to the meetings was hard, all I did was sit next to my grandma and sister, and we left the hall shortly right after or ate out with an older brother that had a crush on my grandma.

    I just remember feeling lost with no friends, plenty my age but they wouldn't except my sister and I totally, (delt with that age 11-18 my sister being 6-13).

    Long story short, My goal when I got baptised was to support the younger ones, help the older ones, and let me tell ya it was hard work!! I to was greatly disappointed with Elders and their families yes they gave great comments, talks, and went out in service faithfully, but when it came to the lil people, I was disappointed; but I stayed pretty faithful despite my own agravation. I bet you did too. There are bigger issues that got me not to go back to JWs.

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