Faith In Action Pt 1 DVD

by the truth is mine 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BroMac

    Cedars, that is what i was almost tempted to say, " but jesus chose these on what they were teaching before any of the changes were made. they became the FDS in 1919, because they said the great pyramid was god's stone witness.. i dont think so"

    I was this close

  • BroMac

    did anybody notice "Dissapointments" "Expectatations"

    er no, thats what they were taught would happen by russell & rutherford

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    No mention of W H Conley.

    He has been totally written out of WT history except for a 'one liner' in the Proclaimers book which distorts the truth.


  • Chariklo


  • pirata

    @Alfred: Agree with everything you've said... except that they did gloss over 1914....

    Indeed why I said "did not fully gloss over", they let at least a teensy amount of light shine through...

  • erbie

    Great links Cedars. Thanks!

    Firstly, it's truly amazing what you can do with Photoshop. All these worldly tools they have at their disposal! Where would they be without them?

    As for the second link, well, a very good example of how we can be picked up by the JW$ and carried along as if in a strong wind, only to be left stranded. Run aground. Yes, I've been there too.

    I found it to be a very genuine and enlightening account.

    How encouraging to see that people at Bethel are, even now, seeing through it all.

    Great stuff!!!

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I grudgingly watched it and now have the heebie-jeebies from all the lies.

    This DVD is so full of shight it needs to come with a full Tyvec contamination containment suit (with the optional attached vomit bag) to watch it.

  • sabastious

    pirata thank you for that breakdown it was very enlightening. The Watchtower wants to have it both ways. They teach that the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" class is actually a continuation of an unbroken chain of people starting from at least he 1st century. Then, in their "historical" DVD they make no mention of William Miller, as you brought out, when he and his movement were obviously who the torch was passed from; directly or indirectly. Yet, they don't even mention the 1874 date or anything or anyone it's connected to. I can't believe that my family has this distorted history floating around in their heads masquerading as truth. It's almost like with one fel swoop the Watchtower releases this DVD and now all the drones get to quack, "If it's not in the DVD it's apostate propaganda." Fel beasts indeed.


  • thetrueone

    I personally think it was the WTS's intension with its GB members to contravene all the bad information out on the net about the WTS.

    They also intensionally fixed and self manipulated the information to make themselves appear as just pure righteous preachers of the gospel " Truth ".

    Of course thats what this religious organization has been doing from the very beginning and that is lying and creating false doctrines to support

    themselves and their publishing empire, as well as a means of self empowerment. Now they are lying and putting forth false information about

    themselves in a movie format. Oh well thats power and money folks in the realm of religion.

  • biblecheck

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