How was your fall or rise spiritually? Are you in a place you are proud of now?

by Butterflyleia85 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Butterflyleia85

    WTWizard, Field Service to me was like a obligated duty... saving lives, giving "godly" information, and well human soul and universe still people live simple lives as a Jehovah Witness or not I believe some people just don't care to think that deep. ( Me will I do but I don't really talk about it, hince why I always come to this exJW boards cause, spiritually is a touchy subject for many, I am very curious about the human soul our universe)

    I think I recall the creation book though touching on this subject in a logical way of thinking, or scientific way as far as human soul and universe goes.

    As far as you touching on some interesting subjects such as witchcraft and psychic readings... things that are pagan (in a good way of speaking) I to find it interesting. Mine though are the idea of power, magic, and spells... I guess it started out with watching David Blaine in some of his magic performances. I was curious how real it could be, and then I came across some sites talking about the powers within, supernatural powers, and out of body experiences ( ; Anyways all these are interesting but a bet out of my norm, it's more enjoyment for me, and now, then, like shows or movies having to do with supernatural or parnormal. I love also playing a video game called Skyrim! lol

    I'm still to afraid to involve the demons in my life! I think my husband likes to mess around with the idea and teases me for not allowing certain things in the house or watching posessed people having exorcisms. To to Scary! (Though I have watched a few movies with exorcisms.) I played once with a Ouija board when I was well not sober, and just was DFed for the first time (6 years ago), was hanging out with a few crazy ppl... I sware it moved on it's own an that was it for me. I guess I'm a bet superstitious. My husband loves staying in haunted bed and breakfasts and wants to stay in a haunted penitentiary sometime!! Sheww no no way. lol

    I want to be spiritually connected in a lighter way... I guess that's why I like to work out that feeling when your body releases endorphins! ;)

    I guess right now I think it's all what's important to us in our lives and living to hold on to it!

    So Spiritual is looking within? Am I correct. If that is true, yes, I am very spiritual, and like you said Fernando, just not religious.

  • Butterflyleia85

    I do see now why to many on here didn't share their input. I did a search on "spirituality" on JWN an came across this from 2 months ago:

    Ha Very Interesting topic.

    I am reading "Letters From A Skeptic" by Dr. Gregory A. Boyd. I must say some of you nonbelievers in God should read this. I'm not finished with it so therefore it left me still open to my opinion of why choosing Jesus Christ as God, or Jehovah for that matter... I still think God as God because He (God) didn't really clarify who he wanted to be known as.

    Any who... Still on my Journey... And enjoying the ride because it still leaves me open and free to choose and to do good because I want to not because some being told me too! Respect and be respected. :)

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