by leavingwt 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    Some of you may enjoy the podcast below.

    Join us for a fascinating hour with apologist Sye ten Bruggencate, host of the website

    DPR Jones, Seth Andrews and Sye talk about absolute truth, the accuracy of scripture, morality and "proof" of God in a spirited yet civil conversation.

    The Magic Sandwich Show YouTube channel is hosting a conversation with Sye ten Bruggencate and Eric Hovind of 'Creation Today' on Sunday April 15th. The live show airs on BlogTV, and the recorded broadcast will be available on the MSS website shortly after.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Thanks, will watch that later

  • leavingwt

    The gentleman being interviewed interjects one logical fallacy after another.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Marking to return.

  • leavingwt

    The apologist demonstrates the tactic of repeating something over and over, because *that* will make it true.

  • poppers
  • leavingwt

    More information about the Christian apologist in the podcast above:

    "Canadian apologist Sye Ten Bruggencate was raised in a Christian home in Toronto, Ontario with a passion for defending his faith. Sye’s passion for apologetics, waned however, as he repeatedly found his arguments for God’s existence ineffective. In 2005 by the grace of God, Sye was shown what he terms, "the biblical approach to apologetics" in which God is presented as the necessary foundation for everything — even the very ability to reason. He discovered how he had unintentionally been "putting God on trial" in his attempts to proclaim the validity of the Creator. In response to this new insight, in 2006, Sye launched the website and in 2008 began pursuing apologetics full time. Since then, Sye has been teaching Christians how to present Jehovah God to a lost world, and proving his faith in spirited debates as he shares the powerful Gospel of Jesus Christ!"

  • baltar447

    What a snarky ass website, it pissed me off so I just closed it.

  • leavingwt

    baltar447: He's even more annoying in the video above. He actually states the following, "There is no such thing as a former Christian." I'm left to assume that this is the 'No True Scotsman' Fallacy. It's so annoying that it's a must-listen.

  • xchange

    Well that website was just awful. But considering he's from Toronto, it doesn't surprise me. (insert sarcastic emoticon of your choice *)

    * relates to the second sentence only. But seriously, Toronto does suck.

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