What constitues "evidence" for scriptural divorce?

by monitorman 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • monitorman
  • monitorman

    Oops....using the bad browser again.....

    Sorry…haven’t been here for a few days. Thanks all for the comments (including the funny ones)

    But I'm still confused. I still don’t know what is needed to label you “scripturally free” to remarry.

    And BTW who made up this silly “all night” rule? You mean to tell me that if my wifes boyfriend visits her apartment all day and then leaves at 3 am (which I assume is not “all night”…. That somehow doesn’t constitute “evidence”?

    And am I supposed to camp out all night in front of her door to collect this evidence? Isn’t that considered stalking and a crime on my part for which I could be charged and put in jail.?

    And doesn’t this give a vindictive ex spouse the easy tools to torture her ex by NOT supplying him with the needed “evidence” so that he has to remain unmarried and not be able to get on with his life?

    And even then…..why do I have to ask the necessary question of her? “Uh, honey……can I ask you a question? Have you had hot steamy sex with anyone lately?” “Can you sign this affidavit, please”

    What a load of crap.

    So here’s my question…..can I just say that she admitted to an affair? What would happen? Will that suffice? Or will I still have to supply “evidence”?

  • monitorman

    Oh BTW...I did ask an elder at the meeting what i needed as "evidence"

    He gave me a one word answer.......FORNICATION and then walked away.

    Duh....i kinda knew that one. That wasnt my question.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    If the ex-spouse won't own up, or lie, or if you can't supply witnesses of fornication, you have to choose whether or not you are going to break the rules.

    You just go ahead and get married, the BOE DFs you, you sit at the back of the hall with the fornicators for six months, then apply for reinstatement.

    There is a lot of incentive not to own up, or to lie, to let the other party off the hook. Who wants their character trashed by their ex? to get DFd? to get shunned by their family and friends?

    If you choose to be a member of this church, you have to deal with the consequences when things don't go the way you hoped. I knew a couple that waited for decades for each other to fornicate & neither ever did. May they RIP

  • iCeltic

    Or an elder phones you up years later, accuses you of not caring about your ex because if you really cared you'd admit your 'sin' so she can now move on. That is after several other disgraceful ways of trying to find out if I've had sex after our marriage was ended.

  • jemba

    If she will admit it to you then get her into a discussion about it and get her to confess while taping the conversation. Probably just as illegal as stalking but hey it gets results.

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