Email from JW friend re: UN scandal:

by stocwach 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • hawkaw

    If it is not a big deal why did the WTS specifically list 24 NGOs associated with the UN and that belong to the Catholic church are examples of the the "harlot" riding the beast.

    What about the 1976 article that agin talks about NGOs are examples of the harlot joining the UN.

    Hello. Read Mad Apostate's thread - its nails their asses to the wall.


    One final point - if this is not a big deal - why did they quit their association?


  • mustang

    PathofThorns summarized the effect on the WTS very well. I have
    'bookmarked' that as 'it says it all'. See Matt. 23:27,28 below.

    All this is a wonderful example of a double standard.

    "It's OK for us to criticize anything we want; if we decide to defile ourselves anyway, it's NOT OK FOR YOU TO POINT THIS OUT (CRITICIZE US). And we will finish you off for noticing."

    In other words, when we(WTS) express something, we(WTS) are properly exercising RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION, but when you catch us(WTS) in A HYPOCRISY AND A LIE, you are being EVIL for using your eyes and thinking ability.

    Bottom line: a JW can always justify something, making it sound good. Closely examined, this effect is really as described in Matt. 23:27,28.

    27 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you are like whitewashed tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but within they are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness." 28 "So you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity."

    Maybe the taste doesn't bother their mouth's or stomach's but hypocrisy is not a meal for honest people.


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