Do You Feel Bad For Those Who Feel They Still Must Attend Meetings?

by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I've got mixed emotions.

    I just couldn't do it. I'd rather shoot myself.

  • Iamallcool

    No, I am not in their shoes.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.


    Yet not in the bad way.................

    As Obi Wan said and is SO true in the "Truth"..............

    You must do what you feel is right.......of course!

    It's my life to live............ let me live it the way I ....want "Jimi"

  • Phizzy

    I feel really sorry for them, I remember how painfull the Meetings were for me, before I fullly woke up ! I did not recognise what the problem was, I thought it must be me, but they were agony.

    Now, I do not think I can step in to a Kingdom Hall, it would be like visiting the place where a paedophile abused me, the thought makes me sick.

  • minimus

    oooh, Phizzy.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I do. I feel bad for them in the same way I see a wife who gets the shit kicked out of her on a daily basis but returns, simply because she has, or knows nothing better to turn to

  • LostGeneration

    Must because you think you will get killed (a mind controlled JW) or must because of pressure from family/friends?

    If you fully know the truth about the truth, the only reason I can see to continue attendance is for financial reasons. If your employment is contingent on being a JW, or you are expecting a huge inheritance, then maybe I could see continuing for a time.

    But the longer you take to slowly tug that band-aid off, the more painful it is for you, and for those looking at you (your family). Even though it hurts both sides, just rip that damn thing off and let the chips fall where they may.

    In free society, no one "must" do anything, as long as its legal. Freedom of (or from) religion is a right in most countries, don't let the WT take that from you!

  • minimus

    I know of some that have gone back to the WT. vomit but ultimately, it is their business.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    Some here on this forum do what they Must DO................

    It doesn't matter to me if they still go or don't...............

    I haven't gone to a meeting in over 10 yrs..........

    If I went Today..................Bet I'd feel I never missed a FU*****G THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So some go ...............because!!!!!

    I love my Heathen Brothers and Sisters In Or OUT!!!!!!!!!


    I'M WORLDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • LostGeneration

    I guess Minimus and CBJ are correct. Its their business, everyone has the right to do what they think they need to do.

    I just shudder to think how many hours are lost forever by silent, undercover apostates sitting in Kingdom Halls, assemblies, and even in serve-US. Maybe the whole thing will just rot from inside-out.

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