My Bull Necklace

by TOTH 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • TOTH

    YEARS ago my mom sold Avon and I bought a necklace from her that had a bull head as the centerpiece. (Looks like the one above) I was first admonished by the overlords to not wear it because it was like walking around with a GOLDEN CALF around my neck. when I kept wearing it my mom was scolded for selling it to me and I was then scolded as well. So, I stopped wearing it. Well, awhile back I FOUND it! it's in gorgeous condition and so I started to wear it again.

    I went to Walgreens a few minutes ago to get a couple of packs of Camel 99s and on my way out I ran into Count DRUNKula. My wife's uncle. I didn't speak to him but he started with me by saying that they missed us at the memorial last night. When I told him that Mrs. TOTH was too sick to attend he said that NOTHING could keep him away. Maybe our priorities were messed up. So i told him that he should be thankful for having good health instead of criticizing less fortunate people. I started to walk away and he asked what I had around my neck so I turned to show him. I told him I had it for about thirty years and started wearing it again.

    He looked at me all surprised. No doubt still brimming over with memorial zeal. LOL

    He said it was a pagan idol. I just walked away and left the old drunk talking. He called me a faggot too. I waved without looking back at him. I expect a call from Mrs. TOTHs dad any minute.

  • ziddina

    Goood grief...

    That uncle - Drunkula - is wacked.

    Nice necklace, though!!

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    Dude! That necklace is SWEET! I'm a Taurus. Maybe that's why i like it so much. Wear it with pride, it's a nice piece.

  • TOTH

    Thanks, it IS a sweet piece isn't it? It was perfect in the early 80s. I shoulda told the elders to stick it...

  • ziddina

    Hee hee!!

    Better yet, you should have asked him if he'd like to join you in a little "Mithras" celebration after the coming Memorial...

    Or you should have asked him why he swallowed the Watchtower's 'bull', but squawked about your mini version...

  • TOTH

    Here I am with it on...LOL


  • TOTH

    Awesome comebacks Ziddina

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    I like the horns. Are they bone? Imitation ivory?

  • talesin

    I remember all the smh's and reproving comments about wearing a 'gold horn' necklace, what a bunch of malarkey!

    Cool piece, TOTH. :)


  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Very pretty!

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