To Those of You Partaking at Home This Year. . .

by leavingwt 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    Have you abandoned the WT idea of two classes of Christians?

    While still a believer, Ray's books helped me to see that the idea of there being two classes of Christians was a 'unique interpretation' of the Watchtower Society with no basis in Scripture.

  • Chariklo

    There being two classes of Christians is one of my biggest stumbling blocks in respect of the Watchtower interpretation of Scriptures.

    And nowhere is it more obvious and feeling more incongruous than at the Memorial.

    But of course, I am new to the Watchtower, so I almost don't count in respect of this question. All my life I've known something else....though even in the churches it's only those who are confirmed, (a concept entirely absent from the Watchtoower teachings) who receive Holy Communion (the bread and wine either as or representing...according to the church one is in...the body and blood of Jesus.

    I have been adamant about not attending the Memorial this year, and yet as it's approached I found myself illogically feeling increasingly drawn to attend. I can't explain it. It's been something of a struggle not to go this evening, and that is ridiculous.

    Sorry, leavingwt, that's not a very direct answer to your question...or at least, I think you were looking for an answer from people who are ex-JW's rather than ex-nearly-JW's.

  • undercover

    I partake every night. And there are three classes that I accept...

    Brewed, distilled and fermented

  • irondork

    My roommate and I will be commemorating the lord's evening meal tonight for, as far as I'm concerned, the very first time. I'm looking forward to it and a little nervous. I've outlined a few things to say on the subject, we'll take turns reading a few passages and then partake.

    The bulk of my lurking on this site for the last few months has been spent studying this very topic. I can't count the number of you who have helped me put to rest the Watchtower's claim of two classes of Christians, but I can offer my thanks.

  • outsmartthesystem

    I am going to partake of a couple of cold Miller Lites tonight

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I thought about it, and then I realized the bible's just a farce anyway so why go through the trouble?

  • skeeter1

    I remember more then just "2" classes of Christians inside the Congregation.

    - the elders and their family. Super doo-gooders whose family we watched and chuckled at their every mistake.

    - the young men who handled the microphone and put out the chairs. They were respected for their awesome work and dedication to Jah. After all, a woman couldn't do those hard jobs!

    - the old folks who survived decades in the Truth, watching their lives and friends slip away.

    - the "non-elder" clouded families. They were there every week, but there were some "rumors" as to why the husband wasn't elder material. Drinking, abusers, etc.

    - the single women/mothers and kids. They were the lowest. Always walking in late, couldn't keep kids under contol. And, the women were just "too pretty" or wore skirts a little too tight or neck lines a little too low. Hated by elder's wifes and clouded family wives alike

    - the pioneers. Super poor. There to make you feel guilty as you drove away in a nice car. But, when you got to know them, you realized how messed up they were. Their need for the Truth was usually driven by their past problems.

    - the teenagers. Everyone 'hoped' they turned out right (no college, pioneering, get married super young/quick if they had any sexual urge to even put on makeup or wear heels). And, the men licked their chops waiting for the girls to turn 18.

    - the kids. Screaming to the back of the Kingdom Hall, "Jehovah, HELP ME!" Followed by wailing out of the bathroom, while everyone chuckled and nodded approvingly at the mother/father who was doing Jehovah's will. All of this took place, of course, while the speaker had a talk about how Jehovah's Witnesses don't go to war becuase they don't believe in violence.


    I'm sure there are more "classes" of Christians.

  • panhandlegirl

    I no longer believe in two classes of Christians but when I was a JW, it was not that difficult to believe. When a person finally reads the scriptures without the organizations bent on them, you can see that it is just like outsiders

    have always said: JWs take a scripture here and one there and make a doctrine out of it. It has no basis in scripture. The last time I attened a meeting,late 70s, with my JW sisters,who were visiting me, they were upset because I

    would not go into the main hall; I sat in the ante room. I just could not bring myself to go in and listen to something I no longer believed. I will partake as I do every night. Tonight it's Kendall-Jackson Vintner's Reserve

    Sauvignon Blanc

  • panhandlegirl

    You people are witty and you make me laugh. I know the material may not make it to SNL, but to an XJW who can relate, it's good material, funny!

  • justmom

    Yes the society changed the "one HOPE, One faith One baptism" to TWO and it is they that called organizations Apostates for doing this.

    Interesting read on page 37 of the Proclaimers book. Notice especially the side caption. You'll shake your head.

    For tonite to those that believe they should partake at honme. GREAT! For those of us that are going to the kingdom hall it is not to worship with them. It is making "public declaration of our faith" as an example and warning to THEM!

    If anybody asks me, "WHYYYYare you here?" My response is "Why wouldn't I be?" I am partaking of emblems that demonstrate my faith in a covenant that will give me eternal life in the kingdom through Christ. My question to them would be "WHYYY are you here? You pass over this opportunity EVERY year. So why bother even really being here?"

    just a thought for tonight (after sundown of course lol)

    Kim/ justamom

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