Arizona Pushes Law to Make 'Annoying' Comments Illegal

by leavingwt 24 Replies latest social current

  • NewChapter

    ZID! I think you are going to jail. For a loooooonnnnnngggggg time! LOL

  • tootired2care

    Right because FB and Twitter don't have controls for the individual who is being annoyed to de-friend or mute the annoyer, instead we should burden the courts even more...this is just stupid. I seriously think politicians are politicians because the only other job they could get is at the snack bar and this proves it.

  • glenster
  • james_woods
    I think reasonable people can agree that staking/harassment are different than 'annoying' comments and offensive talk, etc.

    "staking" is quite a bit worse than "harassment".

  • mP


    its only annoying if someone is annoyed. For any witness to read and complain to the authorities they would then have to admit in writing they came here. This witness event could then be used to d/f them. Quite a conundrum.

  • leavingwt

    Haha, 'staking'!

  • james_woods

    Haha. But the people of the village are lighting torches...

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    The Republican Conservative Supreme Court Justices gave police the authority to strip search anyone, for any reason! More liberties the Republicans are taking from the United States!

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    U.S. Const'n- First Amendment rights apply to the states since the Civil War. Political speech is very protected. In the early 1900s, "fighting words" was an exception to free speech. If you said something that disturbed people, you lost your right to free speech. Jehovah's Witnesses were convicted for saying "fighting words." "Fighting words" was seen for its lunacy.

    Legislators may propose legislation. It gets press coverage. Many newspapers don't balance their reporting. They only print press releases. Introducing a bill, having the bill assigned to committee and reported out of committee, and ultimately having one version enacted by both houses, a governor's signature and survive legal challenges is the gold standard.

    I don't hear such crazy ideas from the left. It could be because the Democratric Party is more centrist than when I was young.

    The strip searches involved the dangers of contraband. The Court seems to protect police and military power. Free speech is a very important part of the political process.

  • dgp

    Islamic Revolutionary Court

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search

    Islamic Revolutionary Court [1] (also Revolutionary tribunalDadgah-ha-e Enqelab [2] ) is a special court in the Islamic Republic of Iran designed to try those suspected of smuggling, blaspheming, inticing violence or trying to overthrow the Iranian government . This revolutionary court [3] started its work after the 1979 Islamic Revolution and remains in place as of 2010.



    The Court's jurisdictions are as follows, [4]

    1. All of the offenses against the internal and external security of the Country, combating and behaving in a corruptly manner on the earth.
    2. Uttering slander against the Founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Honorable Leader.
    3. Conspiracy against the Islamic Republic of Iran or carrying arms [5] , use of terrorism, destruction of building against the Islamic Republic.
    4. Engaging in espionage for aliens.
    5. All crimes involving smugglings and narcotic items.
    6. The cases pertinent to Article 49 of the Constitution of Iran.

    The trials are not public, there is no jury, and a single judge decides the matter at hand. Information on the trial is disclosed at the discretion of the government. [citation needed]

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