I just asked the JW website for a home visit...

by TimeBandit 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Or you could invite them for a home visit to your annoying neighbor's house.

  • Alfred

    Billy... wouldn't that make your annoying neighbors even more annoying?

  • finallysomepride

    I'm already noted as a "do not call" an apostate lives there

  • talesin

    Just make sure this is not going to 're-offend' you --- you experienced spiritual abuse, an abuse of your deepest person. If it helps to confront these issues, that is good. At all costs, though, protect your own emotional well-being.

    I also agree with The Silence -- you are inviting them in,,, and remember, these 'brothers' may be sincere people, and do you want to just toy with them? Will it really help you feel better?


  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    ya me too known apostate

  • exwhyzee

    It's always a good policy to treat others with kindness and deceny. Inviting them to your home for the purpose you mentioned is not only unkind but sounds a little like entrapment.

  • BreathoftheIndianNose


    Not only will it make things worse for you, you'll probably be all angry and frustrated after they leave, but for them too, they will have confirmed in their mind that apostates are actually as bad as theyre led to believe. Just because you've been humiliated, threatend and guilted, doesn't mean you have the right to return the favor to a couple of innocent unsuspecting people. Please, please please, when they come to your house, be careful with what you do and say. You might be doing a disservice to them, us, and yourself.


  • ziddina

    I think that TimeBandit was joking.... About the Great Danes and kicking them off of his porch, that is...

    Hey, Time Bandit! If you REALLY want to get them running, then slide stuff from Richard Dawkins into the conversation!!

    Or use this lil' ol' trick of mine...


    Basically, I engaged the older woman on the subject of how old the bible was, then pointed out to her that the bible 'god[s]' is one of the youngest 'deities' ever to be worshipped on the face of the planet.

    She got really upset when I started pointing out that "PAGAN" monuments like the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge, Gobekli Tepe, the cave paintings in southern France, the Australian Aboriginal religions, the goddess worship on Malta, the "Berekhat Ram" figurine and the "Tan-Tan" 'goddess', are ALL older than the bible...

    At the end of THAT conversation, the woman was practically RUNNING off of MY porch...

    Just sayin'...

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