Catholics know more about WTS history than most JWs do!

by tornapart 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tornapart

    This is a very concise and I would say accurate history of the WTS and given a much more kindly and sympathetic examination than the Catholics have ever received from the WTS.

    I'm impressed.

  • tornapart

    Interesting bit on 'how they make converts'. It screams 'cult' but they refrain from using the word...

    and this is telling....

    "Their sect operates no hospitals, sanitariums, orphanages, schools, colleges, or social welfare agencies. From their perspective it will all disappear in a few years anyway, so they don’t expend their energies in these areas"

  • blond-moment

    The only ones who don't seem to know the history of the WT is active JWs. I thought I knew a lot (3rd gen) and I was shocked at how little I really knew.

  • ziddina

    Oh, the irony...

    Doesn't surprise me....

  • 00DAD

    When I first starting going D2D as a JW it was in a territory that had many Catholics. I was always surprised that I knew more about most Catholic teachings than the average Catholic even though I had never been one.

    How ironic, two groups that hate each other know more about each other than their own history. Why? Because they look for flaws in their enemies and refuse to see them in themselves.

  • biometrics

    They've covered all the best bits from the JWs in a well written article.

  • ziddina

    Very interesting article...

    I wasn't aware that C.T. Russell was involved in THREE 'cons', prior to starting the International Bible Students.

    I think I might look further into that.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yea that's what I want to know, I've never heard it before

  • biometrics

    Here's a bit of trivia to ask the next JW you see:

    Q. What does "Miracle Wheat", a fake Cancer Cure, "Millennial Beans", and the Great Pyramid have in common?

    A. Charles Taze Russel.


  • finallysomepride

    will come back to read

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