on the fence - an introduction

by so confused 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Bangalore

    Welcome to JWN.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
  • ziddina

    Her post count is still stuck on #1...

    NOT a good sign.

    I suspect she's succumbed to an attack of guilt/fear. Let us hope that she has the strength to overcome it, the independence to think for herself, and the curiosity to research issues further - and using more than just Watchtower literature...

  • tec
    Jesus wants mercy not sacrifice.

    Oh yes. Definitely.

    It's so sad. It makes me sick. I look at the pictures in the watchtower about the paradise and smiling people, then I think of all the 7 billion people woman, children, mental handicaped, will all be destroyed in front of us. And we should be praying for this time. I keep on think about Abraham and him talking to god about not destroying Sodom if 10 people where found to be righteous. It is unthinkable of god he said. I want to make the right decision and want to do what is right. I want my son to be a happy well adjusted child with friends and a love for god. My husband said we only need the bible and jesus to teach him.

    It is pretty messed up isn't it? (Pretending to) hope that Armageddon will come and destroy all of these people. It is messed up linking a joyous thing - Christ's return, with such a destructive thing. How are you supposed to hope for his return when it means the destruction of so many?

    I used to think about that too. It is one of the reasons I did not join (I am just a former study). I could not join, knowing that according to them, most of the people I loved would be dead if armageddon happened any day now, as is the hope.

    I have also thought about Abraham, and how God promised to spare the entire city (of unrighteous) if just ten people were found who were righteous.

    I keep on researching and printing things off so I remember what I've read because everything is blending together. My head believes that things have not been done correctly by the of society but my heart still does not want to believe everything I read. But the bible does say the heart is treacherous.

    You've been in for a long time. So it will take some time to let go of fear, and for your heart to feel okay outside of the religion and what it teaches. Keep reading, keep researching, lean on Christ for strength and for guidance. Do pick up a version of the bible that is not the NWT (I like the NIV version). Even a red-letter edition, that has all of Christ's words and teachings written in red. Then you can concentrate on Him more easily.

    Welcome to the board, and take all the time you need. No one is going anywhere.

    Peace and strength to you, your husband, and your son.


  • mP


    abraham didnt know jehovah, he knew god almighty, which isnthe name of another god. how can you possibly know whatnanyngod in the ot says? there are quite a few gods named in there all which jws pretend are yhwh.

    how can you say jehovah of armies loves everyone and wants nobody too die, when he spends such a long time trying to kill all the neighbours of israel ? when did he become warm and fuzzy and start to love everyone? did this happen when he lost his kingdom to the babylonians, greeks or romans ?

  • Wizard of Oz
    Wizard of Oz

    @zid..........you got it in one, nuff sed i reckon. Least ther'es really good advice fore she get's to here.

    Looks like there's A Holy War Brewing!! Gotta go polish the staff,,,,,,,,,,,


  • ziddina

    Thanks, Wiz!!

    Go get 'em!!!

  • outsmartthesystem

    "My head believes that things have not been done correctly by the of society but my heart still does not want to believe everything I read. But the bible does say the heart is treacherous."

    You've been indoctrinated to trust no one but the society. Liberating yourself from their shackles can be a scary experience. Your heart should most certainly NOT believe everything you read. Believing everything you read is what got you trapped in the Watchtower Society Cult to begin with. Follow the advice of the bible. PROVE that what you read is true. Think CRITICALLY. If you don't.....you'll eventually end up where you started.

  • Ding


    There are many different points of view represented on JWN -- no "faithful and discreet slave" organization to tell us what to think.

    That can be scary and disorienting at first.

    Relax. That's normal.

    Take things one day at a time and one step at a time.

  • leavingwt


    Please read these two books:

    Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz


    Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steve Hassan


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