Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 04-01-2012 WT Study (ROYAL PRIESTHOOD)

by blondie 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Funny thing Blondie: When reading the article in preparation for the meeting I couldn’t help but feel the same way as you say in your concluding comments…..

    "and those attending are made to feel that their part in the kingdom is small and unnecessary."

    And Bobcat: That is one hell of a good point you make regarding 1Tim 2:1-5

  • WTWizard

    This "royal priesthood" is royal rubbish. First, you are wasting your time trying to remember Jesus' last supper. He was nothing more than a Jew that turned apostate sometime before age 12 (I cannot say how much before, as I do not know of any sources). He did his best to ruin Judeo-Christianity, and had he been successful, it would have ruined the Jews (and Jehovah's) chance of enslaving mankind. For that, he was slaughtered as a criminal (a traitor). Bearing that in mind, would you expect someone who is on death row for high treason to have his last meal remembered 2,000 years from now?

    What should this remind anyone of? That Christianity and Judaism ruined the true meanings of the spring holidays, putting Easter in its place. Now, Easter is closer to the true holiday than this REJECT Jesus Party ever will be. But even Easter is based on a corrupted version of the celebration of the Vernal Equinox. The same for Christmas--and all the holidays that are supposed to be held on the equinoxes and solstices. Now, Christmas is closer to its root--so long as you view the "three kings", the "Star of Bethlehem", Jesus dying on the cross, and so on in the correct uncorrupted light. You are, in fact, worshiping the sun--it is the sun that is born, preceded by "three kings" of Orion and the Star of Bethlehem (Sirius). Jesus dying on the cross symbolizes the sun "dying" on the Southern Cross, and being raised on the third day after the solstice (December 25).

    With so many corrupted links created by the Jews that wrote the LIE-ble (plagiarizing and corrupting all the ancient holidays and then destroying all the originals so you cannot reference to them), I don't understand how any knowing, sane person not compelled for family reasons would even bother wasting the time to go.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    Interesting that there was no mention of the fact that the number of partakers was actually going down regardless of the stats. Keep in mind that most of those partaking are just confused.


  • blondie

    Hi All,

    What a boring article; but then I didn't write it. Not bad enough to be bored on Thursday.

    PaintedToeNail--some day I'll quit but not yet. Your support helps.

    ziddina, thanks for the picture...spring is early here but no butterflies yet.

    bobld, the WTS writes their own "bible."

    Bobcat, thanks for that research. I'm not educated in that area. Unfortunately, I am still trying to get the WTS dogma out of my mind. I was watching a tv show and found out that some religions don't believe that the man on the white horse is Jesus.

    JW Gonebad, that is the way I felt 47 times until I left. I remember what a sister told me once, that only God will judge us not humans, who can neither read our minds and hearts, and that men are not consuled by God despite what the elders may think.

    Faithful WTWizard, family ties can be strong in the wrong way, limiting us individually. I did not really get loose from the WTS until I let go of my family.

    Momma-Tossed-Me, the WTS deals with embarassing things by not mentioning them again. The 7,000 creative day has never been officially changed but they have stopped mentioning it.

    Love, Blondie

  • BluesBrother

    Thanks Blondie....

    Your chart showing the number of partakers in recent years shows one thing....Human nature is responsible. It is natural that people will assume that they are one of the few that are going to heaven, especially if they have come from a religious background.

    That is O K , except that it is supposed to be arranged by the Holy Spirit, not human nature. It just goes to prove that it is just another religion by humans ...not from God.....

  • tornapart

    Excellent as always Blondie! I was waiting for your comments.. you never let us down!!

    I also found this extremely eye-opening and well researched. The way the NWT distorts the original Greek to put it's own slant on things...

  • heathen

    As I've said on the board many times is that they view the GC as foreign proselytes not in the covenant but able to worship as a christian . Today they can hold positions in the congregation but cannot serve as high priest such as they would like them to view the WTBTS president . I think the GC have a very good deal when you read they never know death at all so means they are judged and found righteous before death where as the saints have to be martyred in conection with the good news preaching work. I don't agree with their view that the LF can die of natural causes and still qualify. They have that whole memorial thing completely screwed up exept for finding the actual passover evening . The question of how can jesus be perfect is easily answered when you think of modern science and cloning . He was adopted by mary and joseph but actually was from outter space in the kingdom where his genes were cloned . He did not inherit the adamic curse because mary and joseph were not his biological parents.

  • blondie


    I haven't heard a memorial talk for 11 years; do they still spend 3/4 of the time telling people not to partake?


    Thanks, giving me some homework, eh?


    Actually, I think a newer article said the other sheep were like "God-fearing" Gentiles, walking the walk except circumcision. It's always changing and the average jw didn't understand the earlier explanation.

    Love, Blondie

  • heathen

    Blues brother - last one I went to they spent about half the time telling them why they aren't qualified , that article there mentions it . I actually went just in case some apostates tried any thing but left as they were passing around the bread . They really do build them up as super christians or something it's ridiculous . I studied with one claiming the calling , he wasn't very bright .

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