Can you invision WTS easing anti-gay position?

by irondork 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    The WT is now careful not to publish stuff which is openly anti-gay, but with their literalist way of reading, and thus totally misunderstanding, Scripture, thair actual stance will not change much.

    The R&F JW moves with the times but slowly, so a softening of their homophobic attitudes is happening, but they still have a deep-rooted prejudice against gays, and what they term the "gay life-style" meaning being sexually active as a gay.

    I hope they get called on this as much as anything else, it will expose them for the mind-controlled bigots they are.

  • WTWizard

    I never understood why these religions make such a stink about sexual issues. Even as far back as the Jews who took sexual enjoyment away from people (to enslave them), the LIE-ble has been homophobic. The LIE-ble makes sex a guilty pleasure, and prescribes stoning to death people for such infringements as adultery, fornication, homosexuality, and bestiality. It's right in Leviticus. And Paul, a Jew assigned to translate Jesus' message into a form where it could be used to enslave the Gentiles, reiterated homophobia.

    Yet, the LIE-ble doesn't utter a peep against such "non-offenses" as torturing people and enslaving them. Religions like Judaism and Christi-SCAM-ity go around torturing people for practicing witchcraft, not believing everything the LIE-ble says, and going against the religion in any way. The whole hell threat is intended to make people too frightened to check whether their religion is even valid in the first place (sorry, Catholic church, but you didn't get me firmly pro-Catholic by the time I was 7, so you let me slip right through your slimy fingers). Where is the LIE-ble's harsh stand against these practices? If they were half as harsh against scaring people to keep them in lies, enslaving people, and torturing people as they are against sex "infringements", we might not have nearly as much racism, enslavement, and culture destruction as we see today.

  • designs

    The Leaders tell married couples how to do it what makes you think they would become liberal about gays and lesbians.

  • baltar447

    I'm kind of impressed and surprised that this person spoke so openly about these issues. Can you imagine J.R. Brown or Sammy Herd giving this kind of interview? LOL would NEVER happen.

  • Iamallcool

    nope. never.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    nope, never , never , never. They are paranoid about heterosexual couples "simulating" homosexual acts.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I think they'd give up 1914 and eat blood before they'd accept a homosexual.

  • thetrueone

    NO, for the simple reason the WTS leaders will stand and back up what the bible says about homosexuality .

    Realizing that homosexuality is a result of genetic biological imbalance, will never reach into the thin intellectual mind set of the GB

    leaders of the WTS/JWS.

  • irondork

    thetrueone: NO, for the simple reason the WTS leaders will stand and back up what the bible says about homosexuality .

    What the bible says about homosexuality, or what the WTS says the bible says about homosexuality? There is an enormous black line running through the center of those two concepts. So enormous, in fact, there are websites and furoms dedicated to helping people learn the difference and free themselves from enslavement to the manmade organizations who peddle them.

    You should check out those wbsites;,,,

  • NewChapter

    I think the bible pretty clearly makes many statements against homosexuality. That's fine with me, because it holds no authority for me. But I didn't think that anything in this bronze-aged book was ambiguous when it came to homosexuality.


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