Changes to the Watchtower and Awake magazines size! (Unnanounced Confidential letter)

by tooktheredpill 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • mP

    i wonder if the wts will spend millions buying google ads like other religions eg scientology.

  • clearpoison

    Guys, don't we all know that size really do not matter? The end must be nearer than we think. Now we are closing the time when there will be end of much of the writing. All possible issues under the sun has already been published and the human knowledge (or capacity) has reached it peak. There are just no more subjects to handle in these magazines. As these magazines gets smaller it also allows for more condensed writing about really actual issues, like in worldly magazines. Time to publish can be made narrower and it is not really question about last years news, but at least about this quarters news. CP

  • Sheep2slaughter

    It's been said already but thanks for posting this letter.

  • Chemical Emotions
    Chemical Emotions

    Everyone is going to be so excited. Somehow this will signal the coming of armegeddon to most of my cong. *rolls eyes*

  • factfinder

    Why would reducing the page count of the magazines make people think that Armageddon is closer?

    If the wts was right there will be billions of people resurrected who will all need to be taught the truth.

    Won't they all need literature to study and learn from?

    It is just an effort to cut costs.

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