The Great Watchtower Internet Retreat

by DT 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    who hires outsiders to sell out their own people

  • BluesBrother

    "The Internet is a technology that Jehovah’s organization is using to good advantage to spread the good news to all corners of the earth.......The Governing Body has noted the growing tendency for people to obtain reading material from the Internet"

    So how does this square with their demonizing of the net and warning against using it? They say it is so easy to be bombarded with porn. I am sure a lot of oldies think it is one step removed from going to a strip club!

    They are now acknowledging the useful and legitimate use of it as a research tool. How can they counsel the youth to stay off it?

  • undercover

    Even though we're able to contemplate how these changes affects the WTS negatively, by and large the average JW is going to absorb this information in the spirit it is given... as a further refining of their preaching work as directed by Jehovah through his chosen channel.

    Most of them will not question how the Internet has affected the WT/Awake distribution. Most of them won't question how is it the WTS can embrace the Internet when just a few short years ago, they did their damndest to keep the sheeple from using it.

    While it's obvious to anyone who even slightly keeps up with current events, the Internet has put a big hurting on printed media. That's why newspapers and magazines that have stood the test of time are now failing. And now the WTS printed media is suffering. Yet the willfully believing and indoctrinated JW is going to allow the correlation that if Jehovah is behind the WTS' efforts then the Internet could not possible hurt his purpose fly right over their head. They just won't get it. And they'll accept the news with the same spirit of thankfulness that they did when they ended foodservice at the conventions.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I agree undercover, has there been a change since 1925 that has caused anyhting more than a few moans and groans but in the end, absolute acceptance

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Oh yes it's all just a constant blessing raining down from jayhoover, isn't it.

    I wonder how many witlesses, who have completely avoided all forms of the Internet, are now going to log on? Now what?

    This will start a campaign to instruct R&F that all other internet is bad and only wash-towel internet is good; all the while thinking their warnings are heeded, because who's gonna defy the great and everlasting know-it-alls the GB? (Even when your home alone)

    But who follows every rule all the time? NO ONE.

    Do they not see the danger of loading a child’s pocket with money, shoving them in the door of the worlds largest candy store and leaving them to frolic ALONE?

    They're really climbing out on a wispy limb with this one.

  • mP

    it would be great if the official site got hacked, perhaps not in an obvious way but with slight alterations to get the message out.

  • strymeckirules

    i have a feeling this is how the organization is going to fade.

    kinda a reverse of what usually happens.

    but after harold camping got away with the money and false predictions without being killed or sued(it think?), the GB saw a way out.

    certainly all the recent negative media they've had to suppress is eating the moneypit a bit, so maybe it's time for the GB to pack up. there isn't any original members left anymore is there?

    they could just put a note on their website saying everything is now a conscience matter and they could disappear. the programmed jdubs would keep going on autopilot.

    and if the faithful keep fading away, it's good for both partys the jws and the gb, no problems no hassles no death threats no df's etc. everyone quitely walks away from eachother.

    and nobody in the GB will be held accountable for any of it.

  • shepherd

    I can see the logic of moving away from being known by the name of your magazine rather than your religion. It's part of their attempt to reposition themselves as a mainstream religion and not a 'Watchtower Society'.

    What annoys me to death is this: "The Internet is a technology that Jehovah’s organization is using to good advantage to spread the good news"

    They always have 2 standards, one for the members and one for themselves. So, no Internet it's full of poisoned snakes (remember that illustration from the GB?) and no going to college (Bethel is full of men with degrees - lawyers, doctors etc, and no, contrary to the common perception they did not qualify and then become JWs), no real planning for your old age even though they continue to work on long term plans for their organization.

    The hypocricy is astounding. I'm jusy waiting for the JW official FB page! Don't think that will never come, they are so full of sh**.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Great comments.

    The Internet won't help them. When someone goes online, it's very easy to check out the "reviews" somewhere. If I were shopping for a car, I wouldn't just go to one car company's website. I'd browse around to hear from actual owners. And when it comes to reviews, I often check many of the negative reviews to evaluate the problems others have had. If Watchtower is thinking an increased web presence is going to help them, well, the only converts they'll gain are people without Internet access.

    I wonder if the consolidation to one website is going to be under the Writing Department. Last I was in bethel, the websites were a jumbled mess of who was running what, and responsible for what. Public Affairs, Information Systems, Writing, Publishing, and I don't know who else had their hands in what and where. I think the consolidation to one site is an effort to get control even within bethel. And the move to "just one" is typical of their authoritarian, uniform worldview. Even three was too many for them. Now they can say, "One is the website of 'da truth', all others are 'apostate'.

  • mP


    your 100% right, thry are screwed it would be an interexting bet if they get even a single believer from any internet portal. they wont tell the truth but the true figures would be very interesting.

    has any religion gained a single member via web presence ?

    im going to guess they start using a new name and drop the witness bit. the current name has no friends and is a liability plus it is linked too a large array of negative information. they need to distanve themselves from all that unfortunate history.

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