The Obsession Of Apostates

by Bangalore 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
  • Paralipomenon

    Witnesses that make sites like that strike a humorous chord with me.

    I have to wonder if they know it is not the truth, but feel trapped either mentally or physically by family members. They KNOW they aren't suppose to be making websites, yet they do so in defiance of the Governing Body.

    I have to think that they realize it's wrong, but since they aren't willing to leave, they attack those that had the courage to stand up for themselves. Kind of like the homophobic politicians and preachers that get exposed with a gay prostitute.

  • mind blown
    mind blown


    I NEVER try to turn my JW family away from the WTS! Unless I'm asked, then I'll speak out. I've also told them I don't have an issue with them being a JW, it's the WTS that has an issue with me.

    If we really were obsessed as he states, we'd be out on the doorsteps and street corners as well as handing out apostate material.

    It's a ploy to combat opposers on the net, I'm sure we'll beging to see more of these types of blogs since the WTS is taking to the super highway.

    FYI, I posted a comment on his blog I doubt he'll publish it

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Oh poo....he won't post my comment, that's an old blog from 2009 his last post was 2010.

    I'm wondering if this person ended up getting a lot of slack from opposers which in turn shocked him to see the real truth about the truth as got scared of his new light.

    I did end up telling him that many got Disfellowship for questioning certain WTS dogma, which in turn the later sheded their new light on. So what about all those families who where torn apart by the WTS mistakes?

    One thing I'm obsessed about lately is JWN and the awesome backed up info I find here.

  • nugget

    So full of stereotypes and misconceptions it is truly sad. The comments are in general just as bad.

  • discreetslave

    "Apostates, and some other opposers, love to use our literature against us. They will often point to inexact statements that they can twist to make look like what they want to. Other times, they'll make something Biblical look like it is our invention and claim it to be a bad thing. Investigating the context of any written statement, whether from the Scriptures or from Jehovah's Witness publications, you protect yourself against attempts to twist statements out of context. Also remember that the organization was not always so organized. Many articles appearing in the Watchtower and Awake! magazines before 1994 were not all discussed by the governing body before publication, so questionable things and prophetic dates were forced that the organization later learned to weed out. Remember, the past does not matter in an organization that is seeking greater light."1) Where did he get the year 1994 from. It use to be that some on the GB were responsible for most of what was written.
    2)"Remember, the past does not matter in an organization that is seeking greater light." Can anyone say Orwellian?

  • NVR2L8

    The description of the methods used by apostate resemble what JWs learn on the Service Meeting and Ministry School....they lead with a question of interest...quote Bible verses out of context and twist or misquote secular sources to support their stand...and when you are painted in a corner you resort to discrediting the other party's reputation or motives...

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    had to throw this in for good measure:'s_Witnesses_doctrine

    NOTE: "Society lawyer Hayden G. Covington told the court that although the Society had for decades published a "false prophecy ... a false statement" about the date of Christ's Second Coming, members of the religion had been required to accept it and any who had rejected it would have been expelled. He explained: "You must understand we must have unity, we cannot have disunity with a lot of people going every way." [ 272 ]


    A comment from that Blog. I guess Maribel didn't read CoC or Hayden Covingtons courtroom statement:

    "This is just ONE of the reasons I am convinced I belong to God's visible earthly organization. It is the humility of changing or correcting beliefs when Bible truths are made more clear. Other organizations are afraid of changing unscriptual doctrines even when THEY KNOW it's wrong, for fear of loosing their members. There is no such fear in an organization whos goal is to serve God on his terms and have HIS APPROVAL.

    Thank you for your wonderful blog, may Jah bless you!!!! Maribel.

  • Knowsnothing

    From the blog, some questions to meditate on, you evil, obsessed apostates!

    • When you left the organization, did you feel jilted by those in authority? Yes, and yet that is not my fault. They are captives.
    • Do you make a concerted effort to draw others away from the organization? No, I want to live and let live, but that is not possible with your totalitarian religion.
    • Does any mention of the organization, its members, or its authority cause you to break into conversations not even concerning you to speak bad about them? Huh?
    • Do you create specialized avatars for your online ID's that express opposition to the organization? -_-
    • Do you make entire blog or web pages specifically designed to turn people away from the organization? Pot, meet kettle.
    • Are you trying to form your own religion? Does non-evangelical agnostic count as "forming my own religion?"
    • Do you think your religious ideas are superior to the organization's simply because they are your ideas? Don't have any religious ideas.
    • Do you think God has chosen you to oppose the organization? W...... T...... F.......
    • Do you often find yourself thinking about how much you dislike the organization, its members, or its authority? I think I dislike the authority it holds over sincere yet misinformed individuals such as yourself.
    • Do you spend more than a few moments a week opposing the organization? How much time do you spend proselytizing a week?
    • Have you stopped searching for the truth about God in your opposition to the organization? Which God?
    • Have you stopped relying upon God in your opposition to the organization? Another WTF....
    • Do you consider opposition to the organization to be service to God? Sigh.....
    • Are you still a member of the organization for the purpose of undermining the organization? I've decided to rejoin for the sake of friends and family, I will subsequently attempt a fade or minimal service.
    • Do you get hot under the collar at every mention of the organization? Well, whenever I go to meetings, I'm just surprised to see the organisation or the slave mentioned more than God himself. Kinda tells you what this religion is all about...
    • Do you spend time combing through the organization's literature just to see if what is written by one of its members apart from the organization is accurate just so you can use the occasional thing that is not perfectly correct against that person? I thought all literature was endorsed by Jehovah himself.
  • DesirousOfChange

    wow, this guy is a delusional liar, check out this quote: "Many articles appearing in the Watchtower and Awake! magazines before 1994 were not all discussed by the governing body before publication, so questionable things and prophetic dates were forced that the organization later learned to weed out."

    But wasn't it all "SPIRIT DIRECTED"????

    he is a blabbering idiot with way too much time on his hands.

    Probably a 30 hour auxillary this month.


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