How many here gave up having a family for the sake of the "truth"?

by stuckinarut2 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nicolaou

    So sad. One thing me and the Mrs got right was starting a family but of my devout JW mother's five children only me and my brother who left 'The Truth'© have done so.

    Our two sisters, now both married to elders and all in their 40s, will never hear their child calling for "Mum!" Our kid brother turns 29 this year but his JW wife is 10 years older. They've been married five years already, they could've started a family but are waiting for the 'New System'.

    He would've made an awesome Dad.

    Fecking cult. The one silver lining is that the JW disease will die out in our family for sure.

  • Simon
    The one silver lining is that the JW disease will die out in our family for sure.


    Sadly, my zealot family have already bred so the JW side will continue with them but our kids are totally secular cynics so at least they will be OK and hopefully so will any families they have.

    It's sad that a little cult like this can have such an effect on the lives of others. Even the people who don't join their fantasy land of beliefs are impacted by the loss of contact with family and the loss of family that may otherwise have been born.

  • Heaven

    I am 51 and did not have children.

    For one, I was too afraid to. The whole Armageddon imminently arriving and the no blood policy had lasting, negative effects on me.

    I was also not going to allow anyone to have control over me like Botchtower said women were supposed to do. So I focused on my career ensuring I was able to financially support myself. I did not want to have to rely on anyone especially an abusive man.

  • ToesUp

    NVR2L8 "Today we have grand children and I could not imagine a life without my family and I am happy that I didn't obey the WT because every other times I did resulted in hardship down the line."

    I agree...we couldn't imagine a life without our children. Hardships and all I wouldn't have done it any other way. It seems the older JW's are finding it hard. They are going through old age with no one to assist them and some are unable to cope financially, because they have been pioneering and in Bethel for so long. I believe a lot have built up resentment over the years. So sad.

  • NVR2L8

    Sadly, while some JWs may have regrets being childless and alone in their latter years, others resent having their spiritual career plans interrupted by an unplanned birth. I often heard some say they could have been special pioneers or missionaries if they didn't have a child, making it sound like their life was ruined by the child. Isn't this cult messed up!

  • FayeDunaway
    People who a couple of decades ago waited to have children were probably thinking about the limits of the "generation" and thinking it wouldn't be long until they were in the new system and having kids. With that "generation" becoming more obfuscatory, i wonder if more are having kids now?
  • stuckinarut2

    FayeDunaway: With that "generation" becoming more obfuscatory, i wonder if more are having kids now?

    For sure!!! The younger ones in their early 20's here in Australia are popping out kids like there is no tomorrow!

  • FayeDunaway

    Well, I guess even though worldly people are getting more educated and resistant to indoctrination, they are getting new converts somehow!

    When we had children two years apart, a cool elder used to tease us 'that's not what was meant by 'go therefore and make disciples!!''


    Remember how stupid the organ transplant ban was? Dubs obeyed. Remember the latest ban on IVF?!?! No scriptural backing, dubs obey. How about blood, the latest contribution scam, DF'ing, ect?!?!

    The "channel" speaks and dubs obey. The GB are so stupid. Instead of discouraging marriage, the idiots should have banned contraception except in life or death instances. This would have added future contributing members to the Borg collective. Instead, the lose 2 out of every 3 born-in members.

    They were so busy pointing their fingers and trying to be "not Catholic", that they pissed away future growth. They could easily adopt a "be fruitful and contribute" doctrine and future dubs would obey. They should take advantage of normal human emotions, instead they try to suppress them.

    Perhaps the GB drank their own Kool-aid?? Or perhaps they really want a small core of zealots that can be controlled from Warwick after all?? IMO, they screwed the pooch on this whole issue. The LAST thing they should have ever done was to discourage marriage and children.


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