Do demons really exist?

by Inisc 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Inisc

    I mean, is there really any scientific evidence to support their existence?

    Is it used as a scare tactic of theWTS?

    And I suppose if one doesn't believe in god, a belief in Satan and demons and angels for that matter would be contradictory..

    Im not sure what I believe now but would love to hear everyone's thoughts.

  • leavingwt

    "Remember, it's not a lie -- if you believe it." -- George Costanza

  • leavingwt
  • leavingwt

    One more thing. . .

    I see no reason why this thread cannot reach 10 pages before tomorrow.

  • BluesBrother

    Scientific evidence ? No.. Do I believe that they exist ? No

    Can I actually, positively prove that they don't exist? No ....but can J W's prove that they exist? No, and the onus of proof is on them since we cannot see, hear or detect them.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    Here is Derren Brown debunking psychics, demons, ghosts, ouja baords etc

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Demons, ghosts, and the like require the same thing from you as does god: faith.

    If you lack it, they seem to ignore you. They are especially shy around skeptics.

    Funny how that works, huh?

  • NewChapter

    No, demons do not exist. As far as what science says, it doesn't even register on scientific radar. Fear is a powerful tool. Turning on the lights erases many demons and proves they were just a forgotten pile of laundry in the corner. Knowledge will allieviate fears.


  • SweetBabyCheezits

    My dad (JW) used to recount a demon experience after he "naively" exchanged literature with someone of another religion. He claimed that he laid down on his bed to take a nap that afternoon and was at some point attacked by a demon. (He felt a distinct weight on his chest.) It scared him enought that he immediately ran out side and destroyed the infested literature.

    Years later, it occurred to me that Satan's minion was a poor strategist. He could've let my dad read the pamphlet and succumb to false religion but instead he chose to harrass him which, in turn, closed that potential window. Not the brightest move if Satan's goal is to mislead JWs.

    OR it could be that, since dad's experience sounds like every other account of sleep paralysis, it was just that, and that his ignorance of a natural explanation allowed his bias to fill that void with a supernatural explanation.

    Ignorance is the soil in which belief in miracles demons grow. (adapted from Robert Ingersoll quote)

  • NewChapter

    Years later, it occurred to me that Satan's minion was a poor strategist. He could've let my dad read the pamphlet and succumb to false religion but instead he chose to harrass him which, in turn, closed that potential window.

    EXCELLENT point! I have experienced sleep paralysis for many years. I have floated above my bed, have watched as a line of tiny devils danced in front of the tv, have felt a presence sit on my bed causing my body to shift toward it, have seen faces, seen flames and my bed has rocked and shaken. I'm pretty passive for all of this because I cannot move. One night I kept seeing flames and then my smoke alarm went off (for real). That helped me move!

    I think I was never a good JW, because I never translated this to mean demons, even as a child---even though I had not heard of sleep paralysis until just around 10 years ago. But there it is. I reasoned that these things never happened when I was fully awake, so it must have something to do with sleep. Now that I understand sleep paralysis, I watch with a detached curiosity.


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