Special Meeting for Certain Congregations Only ??

by Poztate 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Morbidzbaby

    Posts on this site are the first I've ever heard of "invitation only" meetings. I'm a born-in, and never ever heard of this until recently. I guess it's just something else to get the R&F all worked up. In my opinion, it serves to put further divisions in the conregations/organization. Brother Pompous and Sister Snooty were invited because they've had _____ years of full-time service... But YOU, Sister Single Mom Who Can't Pioneer... NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!

  • thetrueone

    Highly unlikely its for just certain congregations only. They will revolve this event to all congregations eventually.

    Could be a special day assembly where they announce a new spring pioneering campaign by one the many styles of encouragement talks.

    The way these special events are announced at the Halls, creates a hyped upped atmosphere they they are

    going to be getting some very special announcements from their spiritual mother in Brooklyn.

    In reality, its just hyped up talk for can and will you do more for Jehovah by distributing the WTS. literature door to door this spring.

  • Poztate
    The way these special events are announced at the Halls, creates a hyped upped atmosphere

    It does seem like they are trying to hype this up but it can only be about two things

    Do more or give more. I place my bet on "give more" this time around

  • thetrueone

    I place my bet on "give more" this time around

    Well they do have those Visa and Debit machines at the Assembly Halls now

  • NewYork44M

    I have been to enough "special meetings" to know that there is never anything special.


    A visiting brother,

    A plan for a new Assembly Hall,


  • finally awake
    finally awake

    More like a plan to seperate you from your cash or you from what little free time you have.

  • Poztate

    More like a plan to seperate you from your cash

    They do love money...$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  • snare&racket

    I think this bullshit is healthy, the JWs will go there thinking... "This is it, this is it, this is it!" And once more it is NOT an announcement about when they want everyone to get on a bus and head to a shelter secretly built by bethel....awwww all the babies and women and children and men won't die after all YET....It's just brother boring telling us verses we showed people on the ministry 2 days ago... Yawn... I best most JWs see through the special meetings bullshit nowadays anyway. 20 years they have been playing that card from my experience alone!

    Also, let them ramp it up, let them tell all JWs it's here, in 5 yrs time they will remember the memorial that had the special talk that didn't mean jack shit.

    Keep playing the Armageddon card boys, desensitisation is what our bodies do best, before long the boy will realise there never was a wolf. By the end of the 80s the world was changing so fast with technology and globalisation, the change caused a lot of fear. Most JWs aren't afraid of life today, they may be tired and stressed because of the religion, but most recognise the world around us as striving for good things. The more the internet/communication/knowledge grows and becomes so easily accessible the less people will even want to live in Wolverhampton forever, in jeans and a tucked in plaited shirt, driving a tractor running on chicken shit.


  • EmptyInside

    They had zone meetings here at the Assembly hall. And pioneers,elders,MS,and older ones who have been baptized for many decades.,were the only ones invited to attend. Maybe it's something similiar in B.C. but,they decided to invite congregations.

    They raised a lot of money in the circuit with just those two seperate zone meetings. I predict more in the future.

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