A funny thing happened to me yesterday

by JRK 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • JRK

    I needed to go under my dresser for a dropped item, and came across my scale. Two things I really don't like are mirrors and scales, so I usually avoid them at all costs. I decided to step on it for a change. Figuring that I had just gone through a winter sedentary period, that I was going to see that I had gone up in weight significantly. But I figured it would be good to find out.

    Low and behold, I was at a weight that I hadn't been at since I was 22 years old. No dieting or anything, just trying to watch what I ate. Now that the weather has turned very springlike, I am going to force myself into a healthy regimin of excersize to get the rest of me into better shape. I figure I am about 10 pounds from my ideal weight (personal ideal, I am not a kid anymore).

    It was amazing to me, that I really thought I was obese before that moment. I guess I have to look at things realistically, and stop feeling so bad about myself. I have started to make myself look in the mirror each day, and see what really is there, and not listen to the negative voices in my head anymore.


  • PaintedToeNail

    Congratulations! Good for you!

  • TOTH

    If all you do is WALK and never eat ANYTHING within 5 hours of bed time you will feel great and shed pounds.

    I wish I wasn't so damned fat. I should follow my own advice huh!

  • Morbidzbaby

    Congrats!! I read somewhere that it's better to put the scale away when you're trying to lose weight...it will only make you crazy. It's better to judge by how your clothing fits and how you feel.

    I've lost 7 pounds, but that's only because I can't stop throwing up LOL. Second trimester will be here next week, so I have to buckle down and start putting healthier things in my gullet lol.

  • flipper

    Congrats my brother ! Good attitude to have. Positive thinking does wonders for the soul indeed. Peace & love, Mr. Flipper

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Nice find

    I hope you make the most of it.


    Good Afternoon JRK..

    Man..Everything seems to be going your way lately..

    You gotta love it..


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Not bad!!

    I wish I was the weight I was when I was 22

  • tec

    Great attitude!! I'm so glad you discovered that your perception of yourself was too harsh, and have resolved to change that. Sometimes a mirror is a good thing :)



  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I can sympathize with the pregnancy induced nausea. The last time I was pregnant, I lost close to 60 pounds. granted, I was still plenty fat, but it was a miserable 9 months of nausea and indigestion.

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