Self-help book weirded me out

by JRK 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • JRK

    I have been having emotional issues lately, and recently purchased a book on emotional healing. Ther were a few good things in the beginning, and the last half had some good suggestions. It was just the stuff in between that really weirded me out.

    It was almost like reading a JW publication. I mean 6 pages about helping some guy stop masturbating because it is a sin. That seemed a bit like 18th century thinking to me! And also for a scientific publication all the "draw close to the Lord"'s in it made me feel a bit uncomfortable.

    I know if I had a psychiatrist with those viewpoints I would be uncomfortable with being a patient. I view myself as an athiest, and would want real help, without being steered by religion or to religion.


  • slimboyfat

    There are plenty of self-help books with weird antiquated moralisation and plenty without. Pick up a different book.

  • JRK

    Thanks slim, I will.


  • slimboyfat

    Oops I meant to say there are plenty *without* weird moralisation. I have not read m/any self help books, but I have sold thousands of them so I know they are very popular and come in all different varieties.

    The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts is a sort of self-help book that I have read which has an interesting perspective on life.

    I suppose if you want specific suggestions you would need to say what in particular you are looking for help with from such a book.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It sounds like he needs help more than you do.

  • TOTH

    I always wondered about these books being called "Self Help" books. If I go to someone else for help isn't that just regular help? LOL

  • LV101

    Sometimes enjoyable reading and recall a clinical psychologist instructor saying they're good/helpful. Have you read one called "Feeling Good"? Don't recall the author's name but he's one of the top psychiatrists in the world and this is one of the best books or was many yrs. ago.

    I know people who do well attending the Emotions Anonymous meetings but a tad of therapy is good -- in my opinion --- along w/a good book. The "Feeling Good" book has helped friends who didn't have time for therapy appts.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    do u have insurance to cover a therapist?

    One of the things that really leveled out my emotions was to stop abusing alcohol. It took about 6 months but it really settled me down

  • NewChapter

    Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David Burns is pretty helpful. It's the only self-help book I've ever recommended, cuz I tend to hate them---but this one was recommended to me by 6 different people at different times so I gave it a chance.

    A therapist would be even better.



    It sounds like he needs help more than you do......Black Sheep

    ........................... ...OUTLAW

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