DO Brown Payne ranks on famous potty mouthed female tennis player who says she's a JW

by oppostate 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • oppostate

    At the latest CA in Natick MA, District Overseer Brown W. Payne made a comment about a "famous female tennis player who's a sister"...

    "I don't have to tell you her name, right? We're told she says she's a Jehovah's Witness and swears in the tennis court. We all have heard about it. So the next day it's all over the news. And we have people, reporters, calling the Branch asking if it's OK for a Jehovah's Witness to swear in public. You see, how it can bring reproach on Jehovah's name? If a Catholic or a Baptist did it would people be asking? But now we have to be very careful what we say and how we act, because it could bring reproach on Jehovah's name."

    Doesn't it sound instead like Bro Payne is more concerned about people calling "the Branch" and giving the WT religion a bad name?

    "Serena Williams was fined a record $82,500 for her tirade at a U.S. Open line judge and could be suspended from that tournament if she has another “major offense” at any Grand Slam in the next two years."

    "Grand Slam administrator Bill Babcock’s ruling was released Monday, and he said Williams faces a “probationary period” at tennis’ four major championships in 2010 and 2011. If she has another “major offense” at a Grand Slam tournament in that time, the fine would increase to $175,000 and she would be barred from the following U.S. Open."

    Serena Williams "fine" moment on video:

    "LMAO did anyone else hear the "YEAH YOU DID!"? from the fan @ 2:00 after Serena denied threatening her"

  • ShirleyW

    i wonder if some of the JDubs called Bethel asking can we now pose nude when that nude picture of her was released in that sports magazine?

  • oppostate
  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    When Michael Jackson not only touched his crotch but held it for a long time, I wrote to Bethel. If I had done that, it would be curtains for me.

    Does anyone know if Serena or Venus actually do anything detrimental to themselves as JWs? Besides vulgarities, their fashion obsession is not Witness approved. Anyone can self identify as a Witness? Should the Witness issue statements as to whether celebrities are in good standing?

    It reminds me a bit of all the infamous Mafiosas buried with great pomp in Catholic ceremonies by priests and higher. One local bishop cut off the cemetry to some Mafiosa who murdered many people in his life. It caused a stir b/c it never happened before.

    I expect how much money Serena donates will make a difference.

  • EmptyInside

    I read before that Serena and Venus were never baptized. But,honestly,I could care less.

    I remember when they first drew international attention,Witnesses liked to brag that they were Witnesses. Now,that they are controversial in some respects,they are silent on the matter.

    One "sister" in our hall had a discussion with a woman out in service about their "immodest" dress.

    Ironically,if a young person in a congregation were pursuing a career in tennis or any sport for that matter,they would be looked down upon. But,when a couple of people,somehow associated are already famous,they brag about it.

  • mP

    why doesnt the wts force for lackmof abetter word to wear tshirts advertising wts literature? surely that would shutup doubters!

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    That makes me cranky!

    There they are making the rank and file feel bad for somebody cussing in case that makes them look bad, all the while what must all the finacial giants of the world make of sitting next to some JW at hedge fund forums or in court fighting over pollution fines from a mine, or ripping Brooklyn off for millions in tax every year. What about those people who know the dirty laundry of the corporations trading and those judges who have to hear the child abuse cases...

    evidently, they don't matter...but dont you get caught swearing now ya hear!

    they make me sick


  • respectful_observer

    If the rumors are true that Serena's mom is still an active JW, I wonder how she would feel if she was sitting in the audience and had to listen to the DO go on and on about her unbaptized daughters "sin"...heck, even if she wasn't in the audience, and just found out that a DO was doing that every single weekend to every circuit he spoke to.

    Can you imagine a DO going on and on about a specific "sin" of some unbaptized ADULT child of a family in that circuit in a way that everyone sitting there knew exactly who he was talking about?? I'm guessing that person's parents would FREAK and have a word or two they'd want to say to the DO.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    "If a Catholic or a Baptist did it would people be asking?" Earth To Dear Brother Pain (sic.): The people calling the branch are finger-pointing dubbies; the general public could care less. Anyway, how does one puny human's misbehavior in any way dimninish the stature of -- or, as you say "bring reproach" -- on the Omnipotent Creator Of All That Exists?

  • sir82

    Doesn't it sound instead like Bro Payne is more concerned about people calling "the Branch" and giving the WT religion a bad name?

    Yep, that's it exactly. "Bringing reproach on Jehovah's name" is more accurately rendered "causing embarrassment and/or potential legal/financial liability for the branch".

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