New to the board

by jbeau504 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • jbeau504

    Hello everyone. I'm new to this board and looking to see what it's all about. I'm currently an unbaptized publisher and third-generation JW, so for obvious reasons I can't give my real name due to personal concerns. So from now on people can refer to me as "Jimmy".

    I'm not sure what to do here. Lol I just figured i'd post something to introduce myself to everyone. But anyway, i've read some of the posts on here and in my opinion they ARE quite interesting. So i'll have to put in my two cents every now and then for sure :].

    I have a TOTALLY different opinion from others on here for obvious reasons (i'm not an ex-jw) but due to personal trauma in my life I may also have a different opinion than those that are in the organization as well. I'm kind of straddling the fence, so to speak. I'll elaborate more on that in another post.

    But nice to meet everyone and god bless.

    - Jimmy

  • ziddina

    Hello, Jimmy!

    Welcome to the board!!!


  • chicken little
    chicken little

    Welcome Jimmy,

    I was brought into the jws as a toddler and stayed for 45years. I left 5 years ago after being a pioneer for years and married to an elder and moved to serve in another country. I left because my conscience would not allow me to teach something that I no longer believed. My main problem was seeing the glorification of the governing body and their "laws" and doctrines being put above the bible and my own conscience. The fact that nobody ever asked me the most important question of all when I left "Do you still believe in God or Jesus?" Rather they kept asking if I believed that the organization was being used by God and if I accepted the teachings of the faithful and discreet slave. Strange that the most obvious question was not of importance to them. They just wanted to be able to put me in a catagory and give me a name...apostate, dissassociated, bad association etc. That way they could limit any damage they thought I may cause by being on the outside after so many years as a high profile member. Sad really. Since leaving I have never had more happiness, contentment and freedom in my life. I have not grown horns or become an evil immoral person either!

    Keep posting

    Chicken little

  • james_woods

    Welcome to the board!

  • leavingwt


    Read any good apostate books, lately?

  • nugget

    welcome interested to see your take on things.

  • RayPublisher

    Welcome Jimmy! Have you read Crisis of Conscience yet? Contrary to what Witnesses may have told you, it is not an apostate book, but very reasonable and humbly written. That's a first read IMO bro.

    BTW there are many on here that are still baptized Witnesses- not DFed but some active, some fading, and many "WT dissidents" you might say.

  • Retrovirus

    Welcome, Jimmy! Look forward to more posts from you


  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb


    You came at a perfect time in your life because you aren't baptized yet, so before considering which side of the fence to fall on please, please, please research the $society, it's beginning, history, financial ties and doctrines; a good place to start is Other places you may also want to check are and

    Something that comes as a shock to most is the blatant disregard for the protection and safety of children; I always suggest undecided one's check out too.

    Again welcome, I hope the community here can help you find the answers you're looking for.

  • sizemik

    Welcome aboard.

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