At the Assembly... Did you catch that talk about encouraging young ones to pursue a career in the ministry? ...and what about that 'murmuring'

by garyneal 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • garyneal

    Yes, I heard that talk where apparently (in my wife's circuit that is) there are 5 times as many pioneers over 50 or 60 than there are amongst the younger people. There was also 3 or 4 times as many elders and MS's amongst the elderly than there are amongst young people. The message, parents, friends, encourage your young ones to pursue an education and a career in the ministry. YIKES!

    And what about that murmuring that we should all look out for. The example on the stage showed one witness help another understand the overlapping generation non-sense. When I heard that witness explain the whole thing to the one who was questioning it, all I could think of is, "WOW, some people will believe ANYTHING the Watchtower tells them."

  • garyneal

    And concerning that talk about discouraging young ones from college and career, I think this article is appropriate.

  • ziddina


    Man, I hope that drives even more young people out!!!

  • smiddy

    I didn`t know steve martin was a witness ? LOL


  • VM44

    "...encourage your young ones to pursue an education and a career in the ministry."

    This only benefits The Watchtower Organization which requires many followers in order to continue to exist!

    How does it benefit the individual? Very little if at all.

    Wasted lives following "The Truth" which isn't truth at all, just made up Watchtower doctrines.

  • mP

    what criminals, ruining peoples lives so they can make a few dollars a week from publication profits. how much profit does wts make from a pioneer in a year ?

  • Phizzy

    From Wicki ,reasons why people choose/change career:

    " The last data collected by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics through the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth in 1979 showed that individuals between the ages of 18 and 38 will hold more than 10 jobs. [5] According to an article on, one out of three people currently employed spends about an hour per day searching for another position. [6] The article lists these as the top reasons why people may change careers, based on a survey conducted by Right Management:

    § The downsizing or the restructuring of an organization (54%).

    § New challenges or opportunities that arise (30%).

    § Poor or ineffective leadership (25%).

    § Having a poor relationship with a manager(s) (22%).

    § For the improvement of a better work/life balance (21%).

    § Contributions are not being recognized (21%).

    § For better compensation and benefits (18%),

    § For better alignment with personal and organizational values (17%).

    § Personal strengths and capabilities are not a good fit with an organization (16%).

    § The financial instability of an organization (13%).

    § An organization relocated (12% "

    I would say that when looking at the WT as a career all of the above considerations are reasons NOT to choose them as your boss.

  • VM44

    Young People, Choose The Watchtower as your career.

    You can become just like me!

  • skeeter1

    I think there are more elderly JWs then 18-30 year olds. Why? The 18-30 year olds have less invested in the WTS and are most likely to look at the Internet (figure out it's a wacky group).

    The older ones are being "forced" by guilt to pioneer. The older ones are facing death and want to make sure Jehovah remembers them. They have alot invested in the WTS. It's what they have believed in for a long time. So, they can't admit it's a lie or admit they wasted a life. Sad.


  • DaCheech

    I already read the thread on the Demo......... lame lame lame

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