Is the May 2012 KM pumping up some hysteria?

by discreetslave 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • discreetslave

    1)“As sheep amidst wolves,” God’s servants are preaching “among a crooked and twisted generation.” (Matt. 10:16; Phil. 2:15) Alarming reports of civil unrest, mob violence, and cruel kidnappings are commonplace, evidence of wicked men advancing “from bad to worse.” (2 Tim. 3:13)Applying what Scriptural principles will help us to ‘prove ourselves cautious’ in the ministry?— Matt. 10:16.

    2) Act Shrewdly: Proverbs 22:3 emphasizes the wisdom of ‘concealing ourselves’ from calamity. Stay alert! The conditions in a normally safe neighborhood can unexpectedly change. You may see an increase of police activity or crowds forming in the street. Sometimes a kind householder will provide a warning. Rather than lingering out of curiosity, it is shrewd to leave promptly and continue elsewhere. —Prov. 17:14; John 8:59; 1 Thess. 4:11.

    3) Work Together: “Two are better than one,” says Ecclesiastes 4:9. While you may have been accustomed to working safely alone in the ministry, is it now safe to do so? In some areas, it is. But in others, it now is ill-advised for a sister or a young person to work from door to door alone, especially after sunset. Experience has proved that an attentive partner is invaluable. (Eccl. 4:10,12) Remainwatchful over othermembers in
    your group. Make it your habit to let others know that you are leaving the territory.

    4) As ones ‘keeping watch over our souls,’ the elders are responsible to provide practical guidance according to the local circumstances.(Heb. 13:17) Jehovah’s blessing is assured as we demonstrate Christianmodesty and cooperate fully with them. (Mic. 6:8;1 Cor. 10:12) May all of God’s servants contribute to giving an effective witness in our territory, yet always with due caution.

  • ohiocowboy

    Is that the Kingdom Ministry for the JW's in Mexico? The descriptions sound like some of the news stories I have been seeing from there.

  • pirata

    I see this more as an article to tone down the 'zealous spiritual' ones for their own safety, and the safety of those that they direct in service.

  • discreetslave

    @ Ohio Cowboy This is from the English printed in Canada. The instructions say to apply this material locally. It seems a bit extreme for Canada & the US.

  • palmtree67

    I was just watching a TV program about this case:

    Basically, a JW family on their way home from as assembly. They stopped at a roadside turn-out and were kidnapped and driven away by goth teenagers, then shot and killed.

    The TV show said, the dad was "fired up" after being at the Assembly and wanted to engage the teenagers in a conversation about God.

    The teenagers were all Goths, cocaine and heroin addicted, blood-drinking Satan worshippers.

    I'm in no way saying the family deserved to get murdered, but where was the common sense? Surely, his family's safety would have prevented this dad from approaching this group of teens at a remote roadside turn-out?

    I suspect there are cases where "worldly" family may blame the WTSociety for placing their followers in danger by requiring them to preach in dangerous areas.

    I also suspect that's what behind the new "You dont' represent the WTS when you're preaching, it's a personal thing you're doing" stance they are taking.

    **EDIT I'm sorry, my computer isn't letting my links be clickable today. Will have to fiddle with the settings....

  • steve2
    It seems a bit extreme for Canada & the US.

    Remember, to the paranoid, nothing is extreme. I have to laugh when I read the predictable patter around how much worse conditions in the world are (unrest, kidnappings, etc) and how it may be necessary to work in twos.

    I wish my parents had seen this warning back in the late 1950s when they sent their young children - including me - out in to the local coomunity alone to do "our" magazine routes. I was beaten up by my school peers during one time alone (Awakes! went flying down the road and I ran in the opposite direction with a bloody nose) and on another occasion a nice old man from the Salvation Army sexually abused me which I told no one about because of feeling shamed by it. I do not mention this to evoke empathy because I've long moved on from the childhood stuff. I mention it because I'm sure that I was not the only JW child alone doing door to door work decades ago who suffered abuse of one kind or another.

    And they have the gall to say without a blush that conditions in the world are getting worse....

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    Well, it may be sound advice. I knew a sister who was murdered. She was by herself on either a back call or in service.

    And while in London a while back, the exact tube where I had been waiting for a train, was pipe bombed a couple days later.


    World Dictatorship is progressing!

    People are Resisting all over the World!

    We are living in the dawn of a new era.

    2012 IS HERE!

    No need to read the KM or be the GB to see this.

    Are you all deep asleep?


  • Blind_Of_Lies

    I find it interesting that they advise people to conceal themselves in times of danger. Yet as soon as their preaching work is made illegal or banned, sometimes with life threatening consequences... they are proud to continue the work and are very happy to spread stories of meetings and even assembly being held in small groups but groups nonetheless when police or angry mobs are actively searching for them. What a Lovely double standard, how can we apply this in our time?

    ^^ ya see what I did there?

  • LV101

    I think it's unsafe for women/boys and girls no matter no matter no matter. I know there are wonderful human beings in the world but there's too many wackos and these poor, gullible, witnesses come along and they are easy prey and the evil organization could care less --- as long as they continue pawning off/selling literature to the witnesses. The org. needs to be held accountable.

    I realize crime is down (just what do they consider a crime today) but my community is told to keep their alarm on 24/7 -- I come in from a stroll and illegals are hiding in the bushes -- these are the minor happenings in my hood. You'd think I lived in Mexico City or something. Tell a criminal lawyer crime is down and hear what they have to say.

    steve 2 --- i'd find a lawyer to hold the brooklyn crooks accountable since you were a child --- sorry, I realize you've put it behind you but this is too much. There's always a lawyer out there who will try anything and thank God because their desperately needed w/crooks like the watchtower.

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