An Apostate Twist Ending

by Terry 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    When Charles Taze Russell, or Judge Rutherford, or Fred Franz published magazines, pamphlets and books about FUTURE matters.....the future they spoke about HAD NOT YET HAPPENED. (Duh.)

    Whatever they wrote could well be true. (Well, it COULD!!)

    What reasons they gave could be sound ones. (Might be!)
    What sources they quoted could have been clear and reliable; their interpretation of them could be correct. (Who knows?)

    NOBODY KNEW FOR SURE. Every Jehovah's Witness accepted, believed and obeyed.

    There was no way a critic could prove that what the WT Society was predicting about the future was dead wrong because the future is unprovable.

    Or, is it? Read on!

    If you stood face to face with the Watchtower leaders you could NOT speak with authority and tell them they were wrong or right. Not back then. They were speaking about the future.

    Is the FUTURE PROVABLE? Yes............when it comes!

    Now we LIVE in that future. The one spoken of by those men!
    We can stand FACE to FACE with Fred Franz, Nathan Knorr, Judge Rutherford, Pastor Russell and speak with AUTHORITY because we live in THEIR FUTURE.
    We speak TRUTH to their SPECULATION.

    Nobody can deny our standing, our foundation our facts BECAUSE they already happened.

    So, if we call them out and accuse them of pretentious fear-mongering and lying about their channel from God; WE CANNOT BE WRONG!

    But, Watchtower leaders admit when they are wrong AND THEY CHANGE THEIR POSITION!

    Being caught in broad daylight and Blurting out you'll do better next time is more the mindset of a serial offender than a true penitent.

    If you shit your pants it is no virture to confess and admit it stinks!

    Present day Jehovah's Witnesses cannot refute the past. They can only change their position about what they said! (In the Past about the Future) comes the twist ending. Are you ready?

    Apostasy is a changing of one's position. You once stood...HERE.......and now you change to.......HERE instead.

    Here is an enormous IRONY:

    When the Watchtower changes their position on what they said IN THE PAST about the is they who become APOSTATE. Provable by anyone!

    In effect they are refuting their own leaders of yesteryear by becoming APOSTATE to what Russell, Rutherford, Knorr, Franz taught and forced others to preach!

    They are THEIR OWN Apostasy! This is inescapably what NEW LIGHT actually is!

    Instead of looking at the "light" as getting brighter and brighter......

    the leaders and their channel of Truth in the Past is made Darker and more sinister!

  • N.drew
    If you stood face to face with the Watchtower leaders you could NOT speak with authority and tell them they were wrong or right. Not back then. They were speaking about the future.

    That is why I have a high regard for the old ones who I met in the organization. I had been thinking it. You describe it very well. Brother King and his wife Barbara had no evidence of the Watchtower apostasy until it was too late to change.

  • DNCall
  • maksym

    Dear Terry,

    I wholeheartily agree with you. The other fact of the matter is that we can relate those early leaders to being apostate based on the standard definition; that is when one leaves their religion in favor of another. Most of those early Watchtower theologions, (term used loosely), came from some other Christian denomination. These people, namely Russel, therefore were apostates trying to start their own religion. Therefore those early adopters of IBSA and later Jehovah's Witnesses, were only followers of apostates! They follow theology from people that tried to interpret the Bible on their own without any authority. They have taken Sola Scriptura to the extreme and twisted it back on the people to say they should not read the Bible on their own, yet that is what Russel and others have done. Clearly this is circular reasoning and abuse.

    Another term I like to use is that they were heretics. Modern day Jehovah's Witnesses follow heretical teachings in which most of their theology comes from a plethora of religious heretical teachings of former religious groups that pervaded the early Church through the centuries. The Watchtower has adopted a vast majority of those heretical teachings from different time periods through history and have composed a mosaic of these into their modern day teachings.

    This goes nicely by that brilliant article you wrote on website. Both Russell and Rutherford were charlatans and lacked any Biblical knowledge or training to not qualify themeselves in any such way to become a minister or person knowing Biblical knowledge. Secondly they were not Holy men attached to God by piety or humility.

    I find that these former leaders of WT Corp no different than TV evangelist in which money and slick salemanship gather honest hearted people into a religious trap.

    Today the hook for Witnesses seems to be in the Western culture of rationalization and logic to answer any questions on faith rather than on any tradition or spirit of faith. All of their Biblical interpretations seem to take to an extreme exegesis through logic alone.

    In any event Watchtower members, (aka Jehovah's Witnesses), follow apostates, false prophets, and heretics.

    Sadly few realize this. Information control has kept these Witnesses in the dark.



  • thetrueone

    C Russell was an apostate false teacher among others of his era, his End Time doctrines were probably responsible for even driving away his fellow

    partner and once President of the WTS. William Conley, who later after leaving the WTS. went onto support other religious pursuits.

    At least Russell had enough personal integrity to state in his last will and testament that all further publications of the WTS. should stop.

    Which kind of says well I may have been theorizing little too much about the End Times and mankind actually might not be living in the last

    days ....perhaps. ???

    One thing that can be realized is that these apostate teachers can and will proclaim themselves nevertheless guided by god with the endeavored

    and encompassing Christian virtue, at the same time demonise people who oppose their teachings, just like what the WTS/JWs does today .

    Is it just simple coincidence that most of these apostate teachers have their teachings publicly displayed for sale through books

    or other pieces of literature ? ..... uuum ?

    It seems apostasy and commercialism go hand in hand for some reason or another .

  • ziddina


    That's great, Terry!!

    I might use that on the next JW to show up at my door...

  • Terry

    If Watchtower Leaders had REALLY been channeling the TRUTH of the Living God there would have been not ONE adjustment in policy, teaching, prophecy or doctrine that EVER had to be bent back into shape!!

    First, they establish their "Truth" and then they CHANGE IT!! My god, how much clearer does their Apostasy have to be for people to see it??

  • DNCall

    Throughout the history of the organization major doctrinal changes have occurred as one administration ended and another began. JFR apostatized from CTR, Knorr and Franz apostatized from JFR and the GB apostatized from Knorr and Franz. Given enough time and GB.2 will apostatize from GB.1. And we're the apostates?


  • Glander

    Thanks for the perspective, Terry. You described the last 100+ yrs of the JW phenom. very well. Why can't the people who have been inside for most of their life see it? THEY DO. But they are so ensnarled with the cult it would be like cutting out a tumor that is tied to critical blood vessels' Disfellowshipping and shunning is the antidote to the poison they have created.

    Sorry if this is a little incoherent , I've had a couple balloons of brandy.

  • thetrueone

    If Watchtower Leaders had REALLY been channeling the TRUTH of the Living God there would have been not ONE adjustment in policy, teaching, prophecy or doctrine that EVER had to be bent back into shape!!

    This was my reasoning way back when and I would assume the same reason most people who leave this religion do so as well.

    The divine inspiration that those men spoke of was really from themselves and their connecting responsibilities to the

    the publishing organization that they held a position to.

    In reality you might say apostasy was their true inherent business .

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