"This Speech Is Shocking"

by BroMac 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Wayward Son
    Wayward Son

    ...deepen our appreciation for the faith-strengthening Bible truths we have learned through Jehovah’s channel of communication.

    How can it be so glaringly obvious to me now yet so gloriously hidden from me just a few short months ago.

    It's good to be awake.

  • Phizzy

    What is the basis for the claim "the Creator progressively reveals the truth" ??

    I know they take Prov4 v18 out of context and use that, which is just nonsense, I suppose Jesus words, that he had things to tell his disciples that they were not yet ready for ,could apply,but that is a stretch.

    They claim their beliefs are from the Bible, so why should new stuff come by some mysterious means ,taliking to spirits is the only explanation, why now, and how would they justify that method ?

    I have read that they say the GB contemplates scripture and then Noo Lite comes to them, but I could do that, and my track record of exegesis is much better than the GB's, I have not had to change any of my understanding of scripture that I achieved on my own, so who is the Holy Spirit guiding here ? it looks as though it is me, a non-believer !

    The whole "light gets brighter" thing is a great big pile of steaming POO !

    Again they usurp the place of Jesus, they are claiming that they, the GB, have "sayings of everlasting life", what blasphemy !

  • simon17

    Regarding Emmanuel in Paragraph 15, they forgot the part that he returned just in time because his new friends were all heavily addicted to cocaine, heroin and bestiality and that he was about to get sucked into their sordid practices.

  • BluesBrother

    "The vast majority of Jehovah’s people rejoice over such refinements. A few become “righteous overmuch” and resent the changes. (Ecclesiastes 7:16) Pride may play a role, "

    So, if one cannot understand a new point, we are too proud to accept it - we are wrong in our heart because everybody else accepts it, why not you?

    That is really cult reasoning.

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