Trying to do the RIGHT Thing.

by TOTH 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • TOTH

    And I am trying to talk myself out of doing something shitty.

    As you may be aware, my father in law is married to a real piece of shit. She neglects and abuses him and he is sick and elderly and now is addicted to pescription pain medication. YET she continues to lead the cngregation by her "Exemplary Theocratic Behavior" by being a regular pioneer and carting the sisters around to every place they need to go. Loads them up in her van and takes them to meetings, assemblies, conventions, service, the store, doctor appointments, etc etc etc....

    She has been very shitty to us and at one point assaulted my poor disabled wife. My wife's dad even agreed that if my wife wanted to press the charge he wouldn't complain. But my wife took mercy on her for HIS sake. Well I was out of town when this happened and my wife said nothing of it until I arrived days later. I was pressing the charges as after days, her arms and legs still bore the bruises. But my wife said that her daddy would be the one to have to bail her out and pay the money so I relented under protest.

    Anyway, memorial season is approaching and I will soon be asked to transport my father in law to and from the memorial because the inconsiderate SOW he is married to refuses to take him and bring him home unless she can load the van with many others. Like I said, he is not well and should not be subjected to her nonsensical bullshit. I on the other hand do not feel like I should be forced to take him in order for her to LOOK GOOD in front of the congregation.

    My idea is to drop by on memorial day and throw some empty beer cans and maybe a half full bottle of tequila under the seats of her van, then call in to 911 and report a drunk driver behind the wheel of a blue van bearing license number blah blah blah. I think it would be hysterical if she got stopped with a vanload of sisters and studies and to be found to have those open containers in her theocratic van.

    I am hoping someone can talk me out of this.

  • tec

    Well, for one a breathalyzer would prove that she isn't drunk. Then the 911 call would be in question, and possibly traced back to you. If someone cared enough to do it, that is. All of this could backfire on you, and how good would that be for you, your father, your wife?

    I am sorry that you were talked out of pressing charges. But the same reason you were talked out of pressing charges then would apply now, right? Only now you will have lowered yourself to planting evidence, abusing 911 and emergency personnel (and someone else could get hurt because responders were answering your fake call), lying, bearing false witness against someone, and you already know that it is a crappy thing to do, so you would also feel the shame of that.

    Involve the officials when there is something true to report.

    Also, understand that if she is so cruel to him and to your wife, then there is a lot of darkness inside her. She is not happy. She can't be. Happy, peaceful people do not abuse others. She isn't getting off 'scott-free' for her abusive behavior. But again, phone the police. Or if you wife objects to that, then report it to her elders that she is assaulting your wife and fil, and that you will press charges if it does not stop.

    Hope that helps in talking you out of it... though I don't think you really intend to do it, if you really want someone to talk you out of it.

    I am sorry for how your wife and fil are being treated. I understand how helpless you must feel, and that is really hard on a man when his loved ones are being hurt, because you want to protect. Just don't protect by making it worse (and committing a crime would do that)

    Peace and strength to you and your loved ones,


  • TOTH

    Good persuasion, Tammy. I appreciate you taking the time to reaffirm my desire to not go through with this.

  • tec

    You're very welcome.

    Peace to you,


  • Vidqun

    Toth, Do not stoop to her level. Show her that you are the better person by treating her like your neighbor (even if you have to grit your teeth in the process). Hopefully she will become ashamed and pull herself toward herself, and start living according those Christian principles she professes. But of course, if she is a schizophrenic, wonderful in front of other people, and horrible to her close family, then there's not much you can do but to encourage her to get professional help.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Just say no.

    Take your wife away for a long weekend.

  • TOTH

    Vidqun, she definitely has mental problems. I appreciate your input!

    Black Sheep, we are actually MOVING AWAY as soon as I get the truck renatal money together.

  • Lore

    And if you do decide to do the wrong thing, please make sure you use a disposable phone.

  • yknot

    Perhaps figure the cost of the fine for her having an open container...... then use money toward offering Dad a pre-paid divorce.


    GO TO THE MEMORIAL......... and than gossip to anyone who will listen about why yall brought him versus her. Spill all sorts of secrets and then chalk it up to being frustrated....

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    A better plan would be to let the air out of two of her tires right before time to leave for the hall. Or siphon out all the gas (but leave it in gas cans behind the house so you can't be accused of stealing). Or unplug the spark plugs. Or rig the horn to sound continuosly when the car is started.

    maybe you shouldn't listen to me, apparantly I'm evil

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